Society 2045’s Teamwork Based Innovative Work Culture

Society 2045’s Teamwork Based Innovative Work Culture

Society 2045’s Teamwork Based Innovative Work Culture

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Today, many organizations have an individualistic approach to their culture and concentrate primarily on revenues and profits. This tends to impact the way employees think about their participation at work as well. 

An organization focused purely on revenues and profits, will illicit employees who focus on their compensation as a similar yardstick for measuring success. 

Is it any wonder we are in the middle of the biggest shift of employment in history known as the great resignation economy?

“People become and act like the environment they are in at work, and this extends outward into society.”

It doesn’t take rocket science to figure out the outcome on society from being purely individualistically focused.

However, when we take the collectivist approach to how we work, we begin to make this world a better place to work and live in. Isn’t it about time we really talk about this?

Organizations purely focused on profits, also tend to have rigid structured hierarchical management, which can lead to underestimating new and innovative ideas, because they focus on compliance and conformity, instead of openness and curiosity.

What if we concentrated our efforts on creating teamwork-based cultures, whereas the focus is on enabling the collective best in each other?

Society 2045 has an ongoing series of interviews with change-makers seeking to improve the way society works.

Society 2045 is a community of people from around the world seeking to co-discover a vision for the year 2045. The goal is to connect with leaders of emerging communities and movements across society and come together to co-create a better future.

In an interview with Dave Landa, we discussed the current work cultures that organizations follow and ways to build open and flexible work environments. Dave Landa is CEO of Kintone US. Kintone is the US subsidiary of the Japanese public company, Cybozu Inc. He has been working with the company for the last seven years.

The Mission

Since the advent of the internet, the world has become transparent. Transparency has given equitable access to information to everyone around the globe. Access to information has opened a multitude of avenues for people working at different levels of management in an organization.

Information has strengthened the perceptiveness of employees working at different levels. Perceptions backed by information, are worthy of getting deserved attention and due credit.

This can only happen when there is a high level of flexibility and openness in the working environment.

Adaptive Methods

Dave, like many of us, has worked in a structured and strict environment and found that it doesn’t work very well for organizations as well as for individuals. So, it is important to change the perception towards the working culture we have been following for the past many years.

“It’s time to empower individuals who want to build an organization based on openness and flexibility. ~ Dave Landa

We need open organizations where everyone has open access to decision-making, problem-solving, problem sharing, and governance.

Dave’s company developed different work cultures that strengthened them financially and socially. They have adopted the concept of “100 different people having 100 different work styles” and “gender equity.”

Obstacles and Risks

Dave shared one incident from his company during the Society 2045 interview: “A few years back, we were developing a team-based open problem sharing and problem-solving method and structured radical collaborative decision-making process. We came to the point where we started thinking about our board of directors, and we thought that we were an open organization where all executive meetings take place openly. All members of the organization have an equal say and their opinion impacts company decisions, then why do we need a particular set of board of directors? If anyone can review and audit our decision-making process, why can’t anyone in the organization be a board member? We changed our board of directors from three founders to 17 members in our organization. All these members are willing to take responsibility and desire to do their best for the company.”

Divisions and polarization exist because of opportunities, economies, and organizational structure focused on competition. However, if we work to continue to support this type of pervasive work culture, we will end up with a further polarized and divided society. 


Open and transparent culture in an organization will make people confident. They have access to information in every decision-making process. It will help to make better decisions based on much broader inputs from comfortable co-workers, who act as co-owners.

Dave assured that gig economies would support the idea they have applied. He believes that the internal organizational methods that they deployed could be shared externally, and it will impact other organizations.

Some gig economies movements support the flexible workstyles ideas that we are providing. According to Dave, economies cannot flourish without providing benefits to the workforce.

“We need to provide a platform for workers to put their opinions and work with freedom openly.” ~ Dave Landa

Innovative Concept

Dave’s idea of work culture has a simplified concept, “transparency.” Dave is working on a foundation under the name of “KT Game Changer,” where “KT” stands for “ KouMeiSeiDai-style Teamwork,” a Japanese concept.

It consists of four principles: “Open, Clear, Honest, and Loud.” The concept is about open and honest intentions and having the courage to speak to them clearly and loudly. “T” stands for teamwork that will change the nature of organizations.

“The more flexible and open organizations are, the more inclusive those organizations become, and this will lead to a more inclusive society.”

Dave’s vision for developing a teamwork-based society in 2045 is groundbreaking. It will be amazing if we can achieve his vision in the coming years.

Check out the interview here: 

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Society 2045’s Wealth Creation

Society 2045’s Wealth Creation

Society 2045’s Wealth Creation

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Today we are living in a world with a major wealth gap among people. What if we collectively worked towards eliminating and reducing the wealth gap? Financially secure people can do a lot to enable this and contribute to humankind’s needs.

A well-organized initiative in this respect can make a big difference. We can try our best to reach out and make the world a better place for all, by helping everyone achieve wealth.

Society 2045 has an ongoing series of interviews with change-makers seeking to improve the way society works.

Society 2045 is a community of people from around the world seeking to co-discover a vision for the year 2045. The goal is to connect with leaders of emerging communities and movements across society and come together to co-create a better future.

We had an interview with Alicia Castillo Holley, Founder of the Wealthing VC Club in Silicon Valley. We discussed her vision for the year 2045 and ways to improve people’s present financial condition. 

She was born in a socialist country in a small town of Venezuela, but has spent 30 years creating wealth as an entrepreneur, scientist, academic, investor, and advisor. Fun commentary is that she is on the way to being “the oldest woman to go to Mars.”

Her wealthy methods are used by international individuals to create wealth and synergy with a sense of purpose.

Innovation and Ideas

According to Alicia, people are confused about being rich and being wealthy. They must understand that wealth is a flow. We cannot block or accumulate it. She feels people have two main challenges:

  1. Feeling wealthy
  2. Feeling happy

These two challenges often conflict with each other. So, we need to find another method for creating wealth. 

Alicia created a hybrid formula that allows people to make decisions to feel inspired about investing in other people.

“Every investment is a spiritual and emotional enterprise, and it’s a process that really should make people feel fulfilled.”


People start getting confused about their participation in creating wealth. Our academic system channels people to exploit their natural talent, which leaves people completely disempowered.

We must create something based on the things we are passionate about, not just things we are good at. Then we can have happier people that would be better contributors to society.

Our business schools teach about competitive environments and not about collaboration. They teach us about managing resources and managing wealth.

“We need to create a bridge between creativity and productivity.”

Money doesn’t make people happy but worrying about money distracts us from doing things that make us happy.

Definition of Wealth

Alicia has been investing as an angel investor for 30 years. She said that lots of people invested in her, not only financially, but their time, talent, connections, and emotional support. They invested in big companies and small local environments too.

People are approaching the creation of new wealth, which is what venture capital does. By bringing these two worlds together, we can make an impact on local communities. The participants can also make an extraordinary amount of money.

Wealthy principles and ‘wealthing’ are a process of creating wealth for the benefit of society. There are two different concepts that go hand in hand.

1. Creativity and productivity

2. Passion and talent

If we are overly creative, we become inefficient and destroy our wealth. Productivity will be zero. So, while creating we must be directed towards productive results and tangible outcomes.

The same goes for passion and talent. We must invest our talent in the things we are passionate about. Only then will the output be great, and we will feel self-contented.

Reach and Domains

Alicia wants to bring this wealth method to the masses, instead of the current model of just two or three VC investors per company. She wants to create wealth for everybody and not only for certain subgroups.

People should feel proud and comfortable investing. When you are investing in an entrepreneur, you can influence the outcome. We need to be professional and mainstream participants.

According to Alicia, we need to have a better system of empowering people to be self-managed, because we are killing them by managing them. She is in the discovery of the areas where she can invest. She feels that she created a beautiful puzzle that takes shapes in different ways.

People think that investors take away power and are not collaborative. We hope to have a better mechanism to manage the flow of capital.

“Funding is not an event; it’s a process.”

We need to help people through more collaborative ownership. We hope that part of the efficiencies is going to be transferred to others. 

“We are morally obliged to bring people into a fairer world.”

Economists and lawmakers must be involved in the process. We feel that change is going to come from investors and philanthropists.

Alicia’s vision for creating a wealthier society in 2045 is groundbreaking. It will be amazing if we can achieve her vision in the coming years.

Check out the interview here:

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Design Thinking Rooted in Empathy Enables Innovation

Design Thinking Rooted in Empathy Enables Innovation

Design Thinking Rooted in Empathy Enables Innovation

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To have empathy means to have the ability to understand the needs of others by becoming aware of their feelings and thoughts.

Design Thinking is a process for solving problems and enabling innovation by prioritizing people’s needs above all else. It relies on observing, with empathy, how people interact with their environments, and employs an iterative, hands-on approach to creating solutions.

Design Thinking is an operating approach that faces and solves the demanding situations and issues that stand up in groups primarily based totally on creativity, multidisciplinary teamwork, and empathy.

This exclusive, experimental, and holistic technique can enable an upward push to what all companies want: Innovation.

According to experts, its beginning dates to 1919, while the German architect Walter Gropius created the Bauhaus faculty of crafts, layout, artwork, and architecture. The faculty started to set up several dynamics which might be used nowadays in Design Thinking, including teamwork, the removal of hierarchies and the alignment to person desires.

The method became advanced at theoretical stage in the 70s, at Stanford University (California), and many years later in 1991, the North American consultancy IDEO, gave it a very lasting place among multidisciplinary groups — professors, lawyers, engineers and, consequently laying the rules of contemporary-day Design Thinking.

The Root: Empathy

Empathy is a right-brain activity, which instigates people to think that it is a discipline associated with being touchy-feely. However, empathy is currency.

“Empathy at its core is a very valued virtue and emotional intelligence currency.”

Empathy enables you to think about how people feel and helps you understand a problem by putting yourself in someone else’s shoes.

Empathy is one of the best virtues to have as a leader of an organization or a group of people dedicated to achieving any cause, but it’s not exclusively valuable just to leaders.

“Empathy is listening to what others have to say, but also interpreting and feeling what is being said.”

You do this by paying attention to the tone and the emotions of the other person and internalizing them.

For organizations seeking to be innovative and better aligned with their customer needs, a strong dose of empathy across teams will be a strong starting point.

“What most people are looking for aren’t answers with smart solutions to their problems, they are seeking to be understood, and validated first.”

Empathy and Self-awareness

Before a problem comes up, so does the solution and the process to solve it.

Life experiences can often shape how we perceive ourselves as a piece of the puzzle and how we fit in the bigger picture called humanity.

We can’t see how all the pieces DO FIT TOGETHER, when we are fragmented within ourselves.

Fragmentation outside of us (chaos), is because of the fragmentation within ourselves (internal conflict).

How does one break free of internal conflicts that get in the way of achieving empathy?

You must be willing to see and re-trace where the fragmentation started.

The purpose of becoming fully self-aware is so you can understand how to put the pieces together based on reality. It’s not work you can do alone.

Work with a friend, a mentor, a coach, a therapist… someone you trust to help you see aspects of yourself that are blocked.

I often hear people talk about being afraid to be vulnerable as a defense mechanism. Often all we are doing is keeping ourselves locked into a mind prison.

“You can’t be bold and play life in a big way without being vulnerable.”

To achieve anything in life, you must be willing to give all you have to it and shift your narrative from being attached to the outcomes, to finding joy in the process.

“The fun of a puzzle is the challenge in putting together all the pieces.”

By detaching from the outcomes, we can focus on giving for the sake of giving. We can find joy in the state of giving more, and in the journey. This vulnerable state of being opens your heart.

“An open heart activates empathy.”

Heart Centered Innovation

We won’t be able to solve the problems of the future with the same kind of thinking of the past.

“To solve the new problems of today, we need new kind of innovation in Design Thinking.”

Design Thinking is a large part of innovation that we need to bring into our everyday mindsets.

This will allow us to engage in collaborative work by having a human-centered perspective towards what is needed to truly drive innovation.

Design Thinking is best suited to addressing problems by applying multiple dimensions to them, not singular views of one way or the other as we are experiencing today, especially in the political theater.

They are also most effective at the intersection of business and society, logic and emotion, human needs and economic requirements, rational and creative beings and between systems and individuals.

Design Thinking cannot be understood as a process that can solve a set-in-stone collection of problems that someone finds in front of them. It is rather a mindset towards approaching problems.

This mindset can be applied to almost any scenario where empathy towards people is the most crucial aspect of designing innovative solutions.

We as humans seek products, services, and organizations that we feel personally connect with.

These meaningful connections help us become more capable to get up and put in a productive day of work.

“With the right mindset, we can tackle any problem with innovation in Design Thinking.”

We must make sure that the thinking we design helps us focus on a human-centric approach to problem solving, making sure that the solutions designed are incorporating creativity as well as logic, but above all empathy. 

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Society 2045’s Collaborative Thinking

Society 2045’s Collaborative Thinking

Society 2045’s Collaborative Thinking

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We are in a world where social ethics are in a dangerous state, and the earth’s resource pool is getting emptied. Can we save our future?

This past summer, Society 2045 had a series of interviews with change makers seeking to improve the way society works.

Society 2045 is a community of people from around the world seeking to co-discover a vision for the year 2045. The goal is to connect with leaders of emerging communities and movements across society and come together to co-create a better future.

In an interview with Ken Homer, we discussed his vision of 2045 and some ways to make the world a better place to live in. Ken founded Collaborative Conversations after a decade as a member of the core team that developed The World Café dialogue process. 

Certified as an Integral Coach through New Ventures West, Ken has been exploring how what we do in conversation commits us to action and produces results at work for the better part of the last 20 years.

Dehumanization Is a Problem

We all are familiar with many business plans that fail to achieve the intended outcomes despite being full of resources and intellectual horsepower. It is not because of lack of talent or strategies that they fail, but because of their lack of conversational competencies.

There is a minimum set of conversations that needs to happen to take any project from conception to completion. Filling yourself and surrounding yourself with positivity is the key to success at work. There are four key processes that can increase the odds of success-

· Sharing understanding

· Exploring possibilities

· Coordinating actions

· Reflecting and learning

You need to understand and accept that no matter what challenges, or failures you experience, you are enough in every circumstance of life. No matter what, you will go through it, and the end outcome will always be in your favor.

To all the coworkers and your office colleagues, you need to be the source of positive energy to make that work happen. 

Addressing someone’s weakness in public or not showing enough empathy towards each other will lack the positivity in the group, and this directly affects the outcomes of everyone’s hard work.

Take this to the extreme, today’s cancel culture is an example of dehumanization at its worse. It is not serving the needs of humanity. It’s not center on conversation and collaboration, and does nothing to solve conflicts.

Collaboration and Conflicts Resolution

For many years Ken has been addressed as the collaboration partner and conflict resolver. According to him, the best way to resolve any conflicts is to just sit and think collectively about the solution.

Conflicts between groups will bring no use to society and individual growth itself. Only collaborative thinking about the core of the situation can lead society towards a better tomorrow.

Moreover, feedback loops are an integral part of the conflict resolver. We can come to an outcome, but what will be the use of that solution if it is not leading the world towards a better tomorrow?

People should learn the art of getting along with each other and with the environment. 

Earth is full of resources of its own. It is us who need to understand that plants can steer themselves. We are not supreme in ecological balance. 

“We are the species that is learning to get along with the earth and its resources. We are not leading the system in any way.”

Dignity –Justice — Belonging

All people want stability in the present world. Most people either create conflicts or practice respecting social norms.

If we succeed in providing stability, it will be because of our commitment to show dignity to each other as people. If we can justly treat everyone with the dignity they deserve through the correct means, then half of the conflicts in the world would be resolved automatically.

By broadening our view of conflicts, we can bring change through a resolving pattern into any situation.

When asking questions about a certain situation, focus on the important aspects rather than taking a defensive posture. People must collaborate to bring about solutions by discussing what’s important in a collective collaborative way.

Imagination Is Key

For any difficult situation, if we ask the simple question: How do we solve this? We activate our engineer solving skills. Furthermore, if we are ready to investigate the bigger picture of a situation and stay optimistic for the outcome, then we can solve all kinds of major issues.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

No matter the circumstances, what matters is to imagine something big and positive as the outcome.

With all the progress in the technical world, the need of the present is to secure the ecology with sustainable development.

We should acknowledge what we have in the environment and take measures to secure our future acquiesces.

Collaboration with the environment and with other people’s thoughts is the only key that could bring positive change on a global level.

Bonding, respect, and trust will clear out the odds of conflicts and build better relationships among people.

Ken’s vision for more collaborative thinking society in 2045 is groundbreaking. It will be amazing if we are able to achieve his vision in the coming years. Check out the interview here:

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Society 2045’s Future Is Self Governance

Society 2045’s Future Is Self Governance

Society 2045’s Future Is Self Governance

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Today’s organizational model centered on command-and-controls is no longer working. It never worked for most people to begin with. The great resignation is a testament that people want more.

They want better relationships and want to be able to make an impact at work by having an active say in the direction of the business. 

People want to feel like they belong and that what they do has meaning. They also want to be compensated properly. Above all people want to be becoming, and this can only happen in a co-leadership environment.

“The days of do as I say or else, are over. Companies that don’t get this, will find themselves without employees, without a future.”

Many are already struggling retaining top talent because of leaders who are best described as dinosaurs, lacking emotional intelligence and the ability to empower people.

This past summer, Society 2045 had a series of interviews with change makers seeking to improve the way society works.

Society 2045 is a community of people from around the world seeking to co-discover a vision for the year 2045. The goal is to connect with leaders of emerging communities and movements across society and come together to co-create a better future.

In an interview with Ted Rau, we discussed his vision of 2045 and ways to make the world a better place by introducing self-governance through Sociocracy. Ted Rau is a sociocracy trainer, consultant, and coach. Ted is also co-author of the sociocracy handbook Many Voices, One Song and Who decides who decides? How to start a group so everyone can have a voice.

What Is Sociocracy?

Sociocracy, also called dynamic governance, is a system of governance which seeks to create psychologically safe environments and productive organizations. It is distinguished by the use of consent, rather than majority voting, in discussion and decision-making by people who have a shared objective or work process.

Sociocracy is a self-convergence system that has a peer approach to organizations. It is an unbiased platform for global meetings where you can enter with a single thought and go back with a bucket full of ideas that are easy to implement.

Ted explains sociocracy as a movement supporting different organizations. People from different organizations have different views and different aspects of the world. All organizations can come together and discuss their approaches to evolve as a single unit.

Sociocracy in Today’s World

Our world is standing on the edge of its resources. Humanity crisis, emotional unavailability, conflicts, and other negative thoughts keep increasing among people with the passing years.

Undoubtedly, many experts are joining their hands and forming different organizations that concern the earth’s present condition. They are all making continuous efforts to make the world a better place to live in.

These different groups of people also need a platform to collectively discuss their views and make strategies towards the targeted path. No single organization with a single approach can bring changes in the world until it collaborates with the same mindsets.

On a collective level, they have the power over people to change their faulty mindset, which is continuously harming an individual’s environment and emotional stability.

Sociocracy and the Individual

Sociocracy is self-governance. The motto is to help the individual understand social learning. To change their thinking towards being more positive. It aims to bring out people from a self-centered society and transform to think of themselves as a single collective unit.

It is really a difficult process to reach out to every individual globally. To simplify this system, sociocracy has begun to focus on small groups of people. By concentrating on the nuclear level, the organization itself is simplifying the complexity of the system. Fewer people at a time will become focused better over time. Their ideas and perspectives can be heard and understood well.

As an individual you can understand the need for change in a broader scale. Then they will be able to prove their point and spread awareness to the right crowd. Most people in society don’t like to be taken advantage of, so planting small seedlings for a better more self-governed future is the need of the present.

Sociocracy and Change

Ted is positive in his approach to sociocracy. According to him, first believing in the positive outcome is our need to bring the positive outcome.

Organizations are full of skillful people who are ready to travel the hard road to bring positive changes to society. His beliefs is that people in small groups that share the views will bring out the best outcomes in the world. For an individual, it will be difficult to face all the world’s challenges and still lead in the same direction. But acting in the form of organization and other small groups, the whole process becomes simplified to stay active towards the goal.

The core of any organization is people forming into groups. To challenge the present situations of the world, people and crowds must be in good shape to endure the lows and highs of society. Individual mental stability plays a great role in leading an organization or a group. Even if you are playing the part of a member, stability is a building block of the group structure.

On a collective level, different organizations, together with their different approaches, will bring about fast change in the world. Personal stability of people will join hands together with the group stability and thus shaping a new world with their ideas.

Ted’s vision for more self-governed society in 2045 is groundbreaking. It will be amazing if we are able to achieve his vision in the coming years. Check out the interview here:

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Society 2045 and the Art of Human Alignment

Society 2045 and the Art of Human Alignment

Society 2045 and the Art of Human Alignment

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It is not a secret that we are living during a time in human history filled with many challenges. From the recent pandemic, global political unrest, the climate crisis, to lack of equitable economic conditions in various countries, we are facing difficult times.

Is it ever going to get better? Probably not without divine intervention, but we can try our best to do our part towards enabling a better society.

This past summer, Society 2045 had a series of interviews with change makers seeking to improve the way society works.

Society 2045 is a community of people from around the world seeking to co-discover a vision for the year 2045. The goal is to connect with leaders of emerging communities and movements across society and come together to co-create a better future.

In an interview with Stewart Levine, we discussed his vision of the year 2045 and ways to improve the world’s present condition. Stewart Levine is a lawyer and author who has been studying human interactions and effective communication for the last few decades.

According to Stewart, the world will get worse before getting better. The level of misunderstanding and conflicts will increase among the human species. With the changing world, the environment will also reach its edge. All these factors will make the world difficult to live in.

For all the problems, people will come up with one solution: fighting and verbal conflicts. They will not think of any other alternatives until the pain becomes unbearable.

One of my mentors used to say, “When the pain of not changing becomes greater than the pain to change, that’s when people change.”

Continuing on the course we are on, as a species it will cost us productivity, emotional well-being, and other mental distress. The cost of conflict will become the wake-up call for people to search for an alternative solution.


Stewart, through his research, understands the need for a human-to-human empathetic relationships to better the world. He knows the essence of unity and power in humanity. When all the resources are on their edge, the world will face a major crisis. Alternatively, a better understanding of the situation and humans caring for each other will take the world to new heights.

Positive collaborations are the need and solution for the upcoming and present era. Opening to the influence of other beliefs and listening to their perspectives will enable a significant step towards positive collaboration.

Stewart is inspired by his father’s ethics and follows his saying wholeheartedly that “If you are not learning, you are not alive”. He has also taught the art of human alignment in his books, which directly leads to better actions towards any situation.

Being an author and lawyer, Stewart has come across many influential and visionary people. All of them have inspired him in a way that would make him think apart from money and conflicts.

He is the inspiration of many because of his influential thoughts and steps taken for a better world.

“We all collectively need to be prepared to take a step forward towards a better future.”

It Takes a Village

According to Stewart, all the un-concentrated industries with narrow approach, all the activities that lead to environmental disbalances, all the little television commercial are distracting people from the core understanding of humanity.

Everyone is using resources for ruling the present world in the now. Most are not taking the holistic scientific approach for preserving the environment for future generations.

Organizations need to get ready to bring positive change into society. Whether it is dealing with racism, saving resources for the future world, organizations need to stand together with a better vision for society, and do their part as a collective.

Moving Forward

Stewart is ready to accept the challenge of contributing as much as possible to build a safe and harmonious future world.

Through his e-learning programs based on his books and his collaboration skills, he brings society together with a single vision. People will be ready to listen and learn new facts. They will jointly work on better approaches to living without conflicts.

He has started different help groups to figure out and manifest the vision of this future society. He is building leaders for the world with human alignment, who will stand further with a single vision of making the world a better place to live in.

He is teaching the art of letting go to avoid conflicts between people to live free from any pressure of outcomes. These are just some of the efforts that together can bring lots of significant changes in society.

“For us to experience more harmony we need to seek human alignment instead of conflict and do more listening to each other with empathy and love.”

Stewart’s vision for more human alignment for society in 2045 is groundbreaking. It will be amazing if we are able to achieve his vision in the coming years. Check out the interview here:

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