Society 2045’s Economic Framework for Better Community Engagement

Society 2045’s Economic Framework for Better Community Engagement

Society 2045’s Economic Framework for Better Community Engagement

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Building a foundation of strong morals, values, and engagement is crucial for the development of engaged communities. We cannot simply rely on technologies to solve all our issues. It is vital to create value and mutual respect among communities in the postmodern world. 

Organizations, businesses, or educational institutions are composed of people. Therefore, taking care of each other, being in relationship and creating peace and harmony needs to be the main objective to create a better future.

Society 2045 has an ongoing series of interviews with change-makers seeking to improve the way society works.

Society 2045 is a community of people from around the world seeking to co-discover a vision for the year 2045. The goal is to connect with leaders of emerging communities and movements across society and come together to co-create a better future.

Recently, in an interview with Aviv Shahar, we talked about how we can reform community to bring changes that have been lost in the postmodern world. Aviv Shahar grew up in Israel on a kibbutz, where he worked in an avocado orchard and internalized a can-do idealism. 

He later became a fighter pilot in the Israeli Air Force. Today Aviv is a member of The Million Dollar Consulting® Hall of Fame. His work has been published in magazines, like T+D and The Futurist, as well as in books like “The AMA Best of the Best” and the Pfeiffer Annuals. Aviv is a consultant to various Fortune 500 companies.


According to Aviv, to have a good life, it is important to harmonize the inner conclave. If we want to change the future, and if we want a better society in 2045, spirituality is the key.

“We can impact the next generation in a positive way through spirituality.”

Improved spirituality can bring about the necessary changes to harmonize the inner conclave of the community. It defines things between us as people and with nature. It is the only way to balance our otherwise chaotic life.

“We need to reframe life by diminishing the chaotic instances in society.”

The Four Pathways

Aviv Shahar comes from critical perspectives that shaped his views, consulting, and coaching work. He discovered that it is crucial to co-create collectively, to bring the idea of learning and profound insight into what organizational learning is.

These are the critical and crucial pathways, according to Aviv, for the future to transform positively.

Personal Development: Embrace a new system focused on engagement, integration, and the implementation of active collaborate.

“Compassion, vision, and perseverance combined form virtue and discipline of the mind.”

The focus is on becoming a fully embodied person. One will have the ability to perceive, engage, integrate, and collaborate with the new capabilities based on self-emergence. Personal development alone is not enough. It is crucial to investigate other aspects of cooperation within the collective dimension.

Collective development: We need to keep growing with a sense of harmony, peace, and desire to bring mutual respect into society from healthy organizational evolution. As human beings, peace is our cornerstone to a good life.

“Building collective peace and harmony is crucial to developing the organizations of the future.”

Search for truth: Whatever the problem is, it is essential to search for the truth, to inquire about the central issues. Most organizations have lost engagement capacity. Because as Aviv Shahir says, we live in a postmodern world of insanity and madness. Therefore, he asks us to create a new language and reassess logic to hold healthy conversations.

“Organizations and communities have lost the sense of togetherness and shared values — We need collaborativeness.“

In his view, it is essential to redefine the ways of work, future, law, and justice and the space of evaluation and assessment practices. The change would take place with the inclusion of holistic development, with many scientific practices.

New economic framework: It is essential to redefine, reform, and bring new activism into the world. The education system must be redefined and renewed as it is the place to begin to enable a new set of experiences so that we may develop communities differently. There should be people that are actively engaged with the desire for collaborations to drive a new economic framework.

The Problem

Aviv Shahar says that societies, and organizations have different social, cultural, economic, environmental energy, and ecological degradation crises that create complex walls. Be it an institution or a business, all these crises bring about a geographical breakdown and eliminate productive and positive outcomes. These crises need to be addressed for us to achieve a society in 2045 founded on collaboration.

The pandemic has created depression in people, and he thinks it is the end of the epoch. Aviv Shahar says that it reflects the operating system ongoing in the world today. The problem lies in the operation of the system itself. Therefore, it becomes crucial to consider different developmental paradigms to renew and restructure the degraded framework.

The Solution

A new economic framework should be taught to redeem humanity from a forced paradigm. For the framework to work, it is crucial to investigate moralities, values, and justice norms. All the art design in the new strategy for future growth needs to be engineered.

Leadership must be encouraged to cultivate personal development and the necessary procedures to reassess the economic framework. We need spiritually active people who investigate matters with a more collaborative goal-oriented perspective.

The newer or modern generations have lost touch with the previous generation. The thoughts that have the technologies in our hands would source and solve all the issues. Our behavioral pattern, personal developments, engagement, moralities, and values would only require the attention of the human inner technology to solve.

Therefore, we need to bring out the ways and means cross-generationally with mutual respect for the different development stages to engage and continue moving forward.

Aviv’s vision of a new economic framework for better community engagement is groundbreaking. It will be amazing if we can achieve his vision in the coming years. Check out the interview here:

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Society 2045’s Radically Collaborative Organizations

Society 2045’s Radically Collaborative Organizations

Society 2045’s Radically Collaborative Organizations

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In our lives, we all have some pain and challenges. These challenges and pain are mostly a result of our choices.

We are free to make different choices that will change the outcome of our lives. It only requires research and study to make a difference. We can make a difference in others’ lives too.

“The way we show up as individuals at work, has an impact on the entire organization.”

If we are individuals who crave and thrive in collaborative environments, we will want to influence more collaboration. Ultimately, we want to be part of radically collaborative organizations.

“Collaboration is rooted in the desire to co-create and the building blocks of collaboration are fairness and trust.”

How can we evolve radically collaborative organizations? What are the principles to create a fair and trustworthy working environment?

Society 2045 has an ongoing series of interviews with change-makers seeking to improve the way society works.

Society 2045 is a community of people from around the world seeking to co-discover a vision for the year 2045. The goal is to connect with leaders of emerging communities and movements across society and come together to co-create a better future.

In an interview with Matt K. Parker, we discussed his vision of 2045 and ways to enable organizations to work collaboratively and support each other. Matt has written a book called “A Radical Enterprise — Pioneering the Future of High-Performing Organizations”, available for pre-order.

He worked with Pivotal Labs as a software programmer for a decade. In that organization, he experienced a radically collaborative environment. Without bosses, self-managing teams were working with clients to build software.

After working in several organizations, he researched in collaboration with various organizations for answers to many questions he had in his mind.

How collaboratively do organizations really work? Why do they work collaboratively? What is necessary for succeeding at a radically collaborative method?

He concluded his research and figured out four principles for radical collaboration. He called these principles ‘imperatives’ in his book.

The Four Collaboration Imperatives

Matt called them imperatives because he found them imperative for organizations to sustain and build radically collaborative structures and environments.

1) Team Autonomy

According to Matt, team autonomy has several dimensions. These include how people work collectively. What practices they use for various tasks? Work culture and schedules. Roles and duties in an organization.

“Autonomy plays a big role in enabling passionate employees.”

2) Managerial Devolution

The technical meaning of the word ‘managerial devolution’ is the decentralization of power. It makes the organization more agile, responsive, powerful, and nimble. These are organizations that coordinate work collaboratively and keep things leveled. In a radically collaborative organization, we experience a sense of security, fairness, self-esteem, respect, trust, and belonging.

“Employees who have a sense of belonging, fairness, respect, and trust, naturally want to contribute to a collaborative environment.”

3) Deficiency Gratification

This imperative comes from the field of positive psychology. According to Matt, we cannot feel secure or cannot have an autonomous environment without the cooperation of people around us. People need each other to balance their life at work or home. They communicate with each other and collaborate regularly. People recognize each other not only for the work they do, but the harmony and gratification they bring to the world.

“Harmony and gratification co-exist in collaborative environments.”

4) Candid Vulnerability

There are several types of behavior and routines that people exhibit inside organizations. One is defensive reasoning behavior, in which people maintain unilateral control over winning. They suppress negative emotions in themselves and others.

Another one is productive reasoning behavior. Matt Parker gave it the name “candid vulnerability”. It drives from heart to heart. When people collaborate, they say what they think. They make everything open and vulnerable for examination, critique, and validation from others. Groups or teams can innovate collectively rather than fight for an idea. They share their ideas and collectively evolve a result together. Some organizations are already practicing it and even learning from it.

“Collaboration leads to openness and trust enabling powerful organizations to thrive together.”

Possible Outcomes

Radically collaborative organizations have a potential bright future as it gives a way to highly competitive companies, instead of domination based and structured companies with lots of hierarchy, sucking the joy out of workers.

Collaborative organizations are human governing and free agencies. Newer generations will evolve the process even more as they work in such an environment.

Salaries and compensation in radically collaborative organization are peer-based. They collaboratively decide what is better for their success. This creates more fairness and opportunities.


What truly matters to people nowadays is changing dramatically. More of us are motivated by things like simplicity, beauty, completeness, and cessations.

We all feel more independent having a psychologically healthy environment around us. We desire to create democratic structure and clinically observed characteristics. This will lead to different behaviors and sociality within groups, organizations, and even nations.

Matt has recently started an online community for people who discover his book and want to find other people to talk about it. We can cultivate and nurture the worldwide community that attempts to achieve new ways of being a collaborative group. They can share their stories of success and failure and can support each other through the journey.

“People become immersed in a psychologically healthy environment with radical collaboration and achieve collective innovations through productive reasoning.”

We all need to work collectively to develop a society that works collaboratively and enable healthy environments everyone will feel happy and dedicated towards.

Matt’s vision for a radically collaborative society in 2045 is groundbreaking. It will be amazing if we can achieve his vision in the coming years. Check out the interview here: 

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Society 2045’s Sustainable Economy

Society 2045’s Sustainable Economy

Society 2045’s Sustainable Economy

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Today, every country in the world has a dream to become the supreme world power. In the process to accomplish this, they have disturbed the ecological balance of nature.

People are fighting among themselves for the safety and security of peace. We all know in history that wars never cause harmony. War always leads to massive destruction.

Is it the right time to save our natural resources and create a more harmonious world for all?

Our earth is giving us signs that extinction could be possible. We have already seen some form of massive extinction with all the forest fires, sea levels rising to threatening levels, frequent floods, massive weather systems, cyclones, and droughts.

What is the future of our planet? What is our basic ethics towards it? How can we save living species from natural disasters?

“There is a need to replenish the ecosystem and make it a better place to live sustainably.”

Society 2045 has an ongoing series of interviews with change-makers seeking to improve the way society works.

Society 2045 is a community of people from around the world seeking to co-discover a vision for the year 2045. The goal is to connect with leaders of emerging communities and movements across society and come together to co-create a better future.

In an interview with Mark Roest, of Sustainable Energy Inc, we discussed his vision of 2045 for enabling the world to achieve energy sustainably. He did a conceptual design of environmental economics and Landis planning knowledge base for designing sustainable economies. He also did a comprehensive design lecture course by Buckminster Fuller.

The Vision

Mark wants to help make a prosperous place for people to live in harmony and revolutionary relationships. His company’s mission is to end the use of fossil fuels by 2030 providing technical and financial support to global sustainable economic designs.

His company aims to provide energy-transportation movements to fine-tune the economic relationships with nature. Also, utilizing the government’s surplus energy storage whenever renewable energy resources fall short to meet the needs.

Benefits: Manifesting Technology

Mark said we need to give up on lithium-ion and gallium arsenide batteries. These are toxic materials that are eating our earth. They have instead come up with a solar photovoltaic design that will give us 48% efficiency. This is twice as efficient as utility or rooftop solar panels and takes half of the space. The technology will make our earth clean and free from the negative impact caused by the mining processes of lithium.

The Why

We need to do our part to save the world from hazardous things. We all need a world where all species live together in harmony. We don’t want a toxic cover over us. The growing needs of the developing population can only be fulfilled by going for alternative energy resources.

If we can accomplish this plan, we can fully displace fossil fuels by 2030. His company is working on it and making 150 million kWh of battery capacity per year per factory. There are many technical complexities in this, but he is hopeful of achieving the goal.


Today 1.2 billion people don’t have access to electricity. We can make electricity efficiently, in abundance, and for everybody. We only need to work in the proper direction. If people see the profits and find it reasonable, they will go for it.

“The public tends to run after things that provide them guaranteed income and savings.”


Mark said that Buckminster had a struggling life. He once committed suicide, but later, he had invented the geodesic dome that reflected the atomic structure in nature. He designed a car steered from the rear instead of the front. It was like an aircraft in design as it was made in an aircraft factory. He inspired many scientists and researchers for compelling needs.

According to Mark, we live in a civilization that has a dominating nature. We are in a world where people don’t want to adopt things easily.

“We need to come together and work cooperatively, in order to create sustainable economies.”

Only then can we manifest good thing. For this, we will have to change personally as an individual. Several transitional movements are going on around the globe. The rich can donate their resources to people who are stripped off from using them.

Moving Forward

It is time to drive global movements together. Mark discussed that he mostly had worked with Japanese companies. They have an approach to solving global problems profitably. If the transformation of the earth is profitable, then people will do it.

He believes that if we provide people with phenomenal profits levels and finance them, they can convert away from fossil fuels. We will inform them that they can convert their old car into electric cars.

People must understand that with the use of these sustainable energy resources, we can make more savings and profits.

On a collective level, different companies, groups, and individuals, with the same approach can bring a change to the globe. Personal ideas will join, and we will be able to shape the world towards a better future.

Mark’s vision for a sustainable and economically developed society in 2045 is groundbreaking. It will be amazing if we are able to achieve his vision in the coming years. Check out the interview here: 

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Society 2045’s Teamwork Based Innovative Work Culture

Society 2045’s Teamwork Based Innovative Work Culture

Society 2045’s Teamwork Based Innovative Work Culture

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Today, many organizations have an individualistic approach to their culture and concentrate primarily on revenues and profits. This tends to impact the way employees think about their participation at work as well. 

An organization focused purely on revenues and profits, will illicit employees who focus on their compensation as a similar yardstick for measuring success. 

Is it any wonder we are in the middle of the biggest shift of employment in history known as the great resignation economy?

“People become and act like the environment they are in at work, and this extends outward into society.”

It doesn’t take rocket science to figure out the outcome on society from being purely individualistically focused.

However, when we take the collectivist approach to how we work, we begin to make this world a better place to work and live in. Isn’t it about time we really talk about this?

Organizations purely focused on profits, also tend to have rigid structured hierarchical management, which can lead to underestimating new and innovative ideas, because they focus on compliance and conformity, instead of openness and curiosity.

What if we concentrated our efforts on creating teamwork-based cultures, whereas the focus is on enabling the collective best in each other?

Society 2045 has an ongoing series of interviews with change-makers seeking to improve the way society works.

Society 2045 is a community of people from around the world seeking to co-discover a vision for the year 2045. The goal is to connect with leaders of emerging communities and movements across society and come together to co-create a better future.

In an interview with Dave Landa, we discussed the current work cultures that organizations follow and ways to build open and flexible work environments. Dave Landa is CEO of Kintone US. Kintone is the US subsidiary of the Japanese public company, Cybozu Inc. He has been working with the company for the last seven years.

The Mission

Since the advent of the internet, the world has become transparent. Transparency has given equitable access to information to everyone around the globe. Access to information has opened a multitude of avenues for people working at different levels of management in an organization.

Information has strengthened the perceptiveness of employees working at different levels. Perceptions backed by information, are worthy of getting deserved attention and due credit.

This can only happen when there is a high level of flexibility and openness in the working environment.

Adaptive Methods

Dave, like many of us, has worked in a structured and strict environment and found that it doesn’t work very well for organizations as well as for individuals. So, it is important to change the perception towards the working culture we have been following for the past many years.

“It’s time to empower individuals who want to build an organization based on openness and flexibility. ~ Dave Landa

We need open organizations where everyone has open access to decision-making, problem-solving, problem sharing, and governance.

Dave’s company developed different work cultures that strengthened them financially and socially. They have adopted the concept of “100 different people having 100 different work styles” and “gender equity.”

Obstacles and Risks

Dave shared one incident from his company during the Society 2045 interview: “A few years back, we were developing a team-based open problem sharing and problem-solving method and structured radical collaborative decision-making process. We came to the point where we started thinking about our board of directors, and we thought that we were an open organization where all executive meetings take place openly. All members of the organization have an equal say and their opinion impacts company decisions, then why do we need a particular set of board of directors? If anyone can review and audit our decision-making process, why can’t anyone in the organization be a board member? We changed our board of directors from three founders to 17 members in our organization. All these members are willing to take responsibility and desire to do their best for the company.”

Divisions and polarization exist because of opportunities, economies, and organizational structure focused on competition. However, if we work to continue to support this type of pervasive work culture, we will end up with a further polarized and divided society. 


Open and transparent culture in an organization will make people confident. They have access to information in every decision-making process. It will help to make better decisions based on much broader inputs from comfortable co-workers, who act as co-owners.

Dave assured that gig economies would support the idea they have applied. He believes that the internal organizational methods that they deployed could be shared externally, and it will impact other organizations.

Some gig economies movements support the flexible workstyles ideas that we are providing. According to Dave, economies cannot flourish without providing benefits to the workforce.

“We need to provide a platform for workers to put their opinions and work with freedom openly.” ~ Dave Landa

Innovative Concept

Dave’s idea of work culture has a simplified concept, “transparency.” Dave is working on a foundation under the name of “KT Game Changer,” where “KT” stands for “ KouMeiSeiDai-style Teamwork,” a Japanese concept.

It consists of four principles: “Open, Clear, Honest, and Loud.” The concept is about open and honest intentions and having the courage to speak to them clearly and loudly. “T” stands for teamwork that will change the nature of organizations.

“The more flexible and open organizations are, the more inclusive those organizations become, and this will lead to a more inclusive society.”

Dave’s vision for developing a teamwork-based society in 2045 is groundbreaking. It will be amazing if we can achieve his vision in the coming years.

Check out the interview here: 

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Society 2045’s Wealth Creation

Society 2045’s Wealth Creation

Society 2045’s Wealth Creation

Business Innovation Brief Best Article

Today we are living in a world with a major wealth gap among people. What if we collectively worked towards eliminating and reducing the wealth gap? Financially secure people can do a lot to enable this and contribute to humankind’s needs.

A well-organized initiative in this respect can make a big difference. We can try our best to reach out and make the world a better place for all, by helping everyone achieve wealth.

Society 2045 has an ongoing series of interviews with change-makers seeking to improve the way society works.

Society 2045 is a community of people from around the world seeking to co-discover a vision for the year 2045. The goal is to connect with leaders of emerging communities and movements across society and come together to co-create a better future.

We had an interview with Alicia Castillo Holley, Founder of the Wealthing VC Club in Silicon Valley. We discussed her vision for the year 2045 and ways to improve people’s present financial condition. 

She was born in a socialist country in a small town of Venezuela, but has spent 30 years creating wealth as an entrepreneur, scientist, academic, investor, and advisor. Fun commentary is that she is on the way to being “the oldest woman to go to Mars.”

Her wealthy methods are used by international individuals to create wealth and synergy with a sense of purpose.

Innovation and Ideas

According to Alicia, people are confused about being rich and being wealthy. They must understand that wealth is a flow. We cannot block or accumulate it. She feels people have two main challenges:

  1. Feeling wealthy
  2. Feeling happy

These two challenges often conflict with each other. So, we need to find another method for creating wealth. 

Alicia created a hybrid formula that allows people to make decisions to feel inspired about investing in other people.

“Every investment is a spiritual and emotional enterprise, and it’s a process that really should make people feel fulfilled.”


People start getting confused about their participation in creating wealth. Our academic system channels people to exploit their natural talent, which leaves people completely disempowered.

We must create something based on the things we are passionate about, not just things we are good at. Then we can have happier people that would be better contributors to society.

Our business schools teach about competitive environments and not about collaboration. They teach us about managing resources and managing wealth.

“We need to create a bridge between creativity and productivity.”

Money doesn’t make people happy but worrying about money distracts us from doing things that make us happy.

Definition of Wealth

Alicia has been investing as an angel investor for 30 years. She said that lots of people invested in her, not only financially, but their time, talent, connections, and emotional support. They invested in big companies and small local environments too.

People are approaching the creation of new wealth, which is what venture capital does. By bringing these two worlds together, we can make an impact on local communities. The participants can also make an extraordinary amount of money.

Wealthy principles and ‘wealthing’ are a process of creating wealth for the benefit of society. There are two different concepts that go hand in hand.

1. Creativity and productivity

2. Passion and talent

If we are overly creative, we become inefficient and destroy our wealth. Productivity will be zero. So, while creating we must be directed towards productive results and tangible outcomes.

The same goes for passion and talent. We must invest our talent in the things we are passionate about. Only then will the output be great, and we will feel self-contented.

Reach and Domains

Alicia wants to bring this wealth method to the masses, instead of the current model of just two or three VC investors per company. She wants to create wealth for everybody and not only for certain subgroups.

People should feel proud and comfortable investing. When you are investing in an entrepreneur, you can influence the outcome. We need to be professional and mainstream participants.

According to Alicia, we need to have a better system of empowering people to be self-managed, because we are killing them by managing them. She is in the discovery of the areas where she can invest. She feels that she created a beautiful puzzle that takes shapes in different ways.

People think that investors take away power and are not collaborative. We hope to have a better mechanism to manage the flow of capital.

“Funding is not an event; it’s a process.”

We need to help people through more collaborative ownership. We hope that part of the efficiencies is going to be transferred to others. 

“We are morally obliged to bring people into a fairer world.”

Economists and lawmakers must be involved in the process. We feel that change is going to come from investors and philanthropists.

Alicia’s vision for creating a wealthier society in 2045 is groundbreaking. It will be amazing if we can achieve her vision in the coming years.

Check out the interview here:

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