Want Your Organization to Grow? Rotate Employees’ Roles

Want Your Organization to Grow? Rotate Employees’ Roles

Want Your Organization to Grow? Rotate Employees’ Roles

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The activity of rotating employees’ jobs in an organization is known as job rotation. These rotations are mostly lateral, which means they occur between jobs on the same level and are not considered promotions. 

They are also frequently temporary, with employees returning to their previous jobs after a set period.

Starting a new job is exciting and can be demanding. A new job reduces monotony and promotes motivation. It is an opportunity to gain new knowledge and skills as well.

Job rotation is a well-known strategy of organizational growth, but it’s not deployed often enough in smaller organizations… this is a mistake.

Advantages of Job Rotation


Job rotation is an approach for organizations to transfer specific skills, knowledge, and competencies among people, leading to an increase in human capital value. 

I am not a fan of using words like resources, human capital, human assets, to describe people. So, let’s instead say that job rotation helps increase the value that people can add to an organization.

An employee, for example, may learn the entire production process of a business because they have worked in several roles that have given them a holistic perspective. Managers, too, may need to work in various divisions before they are ready for a senior leadership position.


Employee rotation allows people to do a variety of duties, resulting in a more flexible workforce. The overall workforce will be more flexible, and capable of filling any of the available roles that come up over time.

Employee Replacement

When a significant person leaves unexpectedly, their position is best filled by someone from within the company. Job rotation can help in this situation. The important job can be taken up by (temporarily) deploying a peer who is a little bit familiar with the role while having the advantage of being from within the organization.

Orientation and Placement

Internships are one area where rotation is frequently used. A graduate typically works four different roles during a two-year internship. It allows the graduate to discover latent abilities and discover roles that they enjoy and excel in.

Simultaneously, it enables the company to determine where the newcomer can bring the greatest value, a process known as job-employee matching. It is a fantastic technique to ensure that new talent is used to its full potential. 

Similarly, if someone wants to try a new role, they can be rotated within the organization to do so. This also prevents employees from leaving the organization. 

When it comes to interns, just remember to pay them for their time. Please don’t exploit interns.


When someone has been in the same job for two or more years, they are at significant risk of quitting. Job rotation provides a change of scenery and challenges employees, resulting in higher satisfaction and decreased employee loss.

Disadvantages of Job Rotation


While starting a new job, employees must learn the basics before they can perform at their best. The rotation might result in frequent work interruptions and inefficiencies.


Another disadvantage is that someone who rotates out of a post may retain better (tacit) knowledge and relationships. This could lead to this person remaining (partially) involved in the role, causing role ambiguity. Having a peer mentoring program in place is one method to address this issue.

Unsatisfied Employees

Employees’ motivation may be harmed by rotating them out of a job they enjoy. Employees that are dissatisfied with their new jobs lack motivation and may even consider quitting the company.

Lack of Opportunity

Job rotation is frequently horizontal, which means that workers will not receive a promotion but will instead be assigned to a different function on the same level. This may appear to be a detour rather than a next step, causing people to stray from their intended career path.

Do It Right

A smart approach is to assess employee level of desire for job rotation, and frame the rotation as an opportunity to gain more diversified skills that will help them later in their career.

It is highly possible to ‘rotate the incorrect way,’ as you have already discovered. Let us go through a few best practices for making a positive influence while minimizing negative consequences.

Means to an End

Job Rotation can be used for a variety of reasons. What is important to remember is that the purpose of work rotation should be clear from the start. 

Inefficiencies, position ambiguity, and work disruptions result from haphazardly rotating employees into different jobs. Only when there is a well-defined aim or advantage to this practice of job rotation can these inadequacies be justified.


Make sure the employees are trained before being rotated into a new role. Entering a job without the necessary knowledge and abilities to function well, will lower motivation and lengthen the time it takes to reach peak performance. As previously said, both peer coaching and peer mentoring can be extremely beneficial in this situation.

Monitoring and Feedback

Once someone has rotated into a role, make sure you keep an eye on them and give them plenty of feedback. Employees will become increasingly self-reliant as time passes by, requiring less oversight. 

Additionally, establish and convey explicit work success criteria. It makes it clear to the employee what is expected of them.

Although implementing a job rotation program is challenging, such programs offer great long-term benefits for employees and organizations. 

As always, any program can be successful with proper planning, and support by mentors and coaches who have paved the way in the past you can learn from.

Rotating people into various roles helps them grow, and helps the organization build a more knowledgeable workforce, and this improves retention and employee engagement.

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Why Encourage Excellence instead of Perfection

Why Encourage Excellence instead of Perfection

Why Encourage Excellence instead of Perfection

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Are you a perfectionist? Or do you strive for excellence?

I’m afraid you’re mistaken if you assume these are the same thing. Although they are connected, they are the opposites of the same coin. They are so opposed to one another that the only way to accomplish excellence is to not want perfection. So, let’s look at the major distinctions between the two.

Perfectionism is concerned with “doing the thing right,” with how things APPEAR and with whether others think it was done correctly.

It’s all about “doing the right thing” when it comes to excellence. It focuses on the REASON for a task as well as the RESULTS required for it to be successful.

Excellence is about self-accountability. Doing your very best to be the best, because you know that is the only way to become fulfilled in life. Whereas perfectionism is tied to how you look to others, it’s also seeking to be the best, but for not for the sake of personal fulfillment, rather for the sake of having the ego stroked by others.

Perfectionism is a thief of time, sucking the life out of you like a vampire draining blood. It bullies and criticizes you, demanding impossible results because nothing you do is good enough. It forces you to try to live up to a fantasy that isn’t real. Perfection will never be attained.

“Striving for excellence motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing.” ~ Harriet Braiker

The pursuit of excellence keeps you focused on the important things, gives you energy, and can even act as a cheerleader. There is no harm to one’s self-esteem, as there is with perfectionism.

Perfectionism reduces your productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness, and, more importantly, it disrupts your mental and emotional well-being. Productivity, on the other hand, is ingrained into the search for excellence.

“Striving for excellence is a growth mindset that serves your desire to become the best version of yourself, without judgements.”

Know The Difference

We have high expectations when we strive for excellence. There is nothing wrong with having high standards in general. It may be beneficial. High standards can motivate us to improve, solve issues, and achieve larger output.

Perfectionism, on the other hand, is an impossible ideal to meet, with no room for mistakes and no tolerance for failures.

“Perfectionists have unrealistically high standards, that are by nature self-defeating.”

High standards may be difficult to attain, but they are realistic. They are things that, with effort, practice, and perseverance, we can fairly achieve. Pursuing perfection, on the other hand, is pointless. It is impossible to attain. It’s a form of ego attachment that does not serve the greater good of anyone at all.

Despite this, perfectionists strive for unrealistically high standards, even if it harms their health, relationships, and self-worth.

Having impossible-to-meet expectations brings stress to your life. It’s discouraging since you’ll never be able to live up to your impossible ideals. As a result, no matter how much you do, you will always feel like a failure when seeking perfection.

Setting impossibly high standards for others, such as your family and co-workers, leads to nagging, irritation, and disputes, all of which erodes your relationships and demoralizes everyone around you.

Mistakes are Not Failures

People who strive for excellence acknowledge that mistakes are unavoidable and appreciate the lessons they can take from them. They have a different mindset about life. They realize that life is a journey and taking risks is about growing. As a result, those striving for excellence are likely to take more calculated risk and achieve higher levels of growth and performance than those seeking to be perfect.

“Those striving for excellence, don’t allow their failures to define who they are, they only see lessons helping them grow and become better.”

Perfectionists, on the other hand, see mistakes as indications of their, and your incompetence or inferiority. They expect to know everything, to outperform everyone, to always know the right thing to do or say, to be flawless, and to never disappoint anyone. This is not only unachievable, but it is also a huge burden to live with.

Value The Process

When we strive for excellence or high standards, we appreciate the process as well as the final product. We appreciate that the experience, learning, enjoyment, relationships, and memories we create along the way are usually just as essential as the result.

We are better able to withstand life’s ups and downs when we appreciate the process because we understand that the outcome isn’t always a reflection of our work, abilities, or intelligence.

Failure to meet a goal, whether it’s winning a 10% increase, or arranging a picture-perfect birthday party for your child, is especially frustrating for perfectionists because they are results-driven rather than process-driven. They are more likely to focus on what they did incorrectly and see no value in executing anything imperfectly.

“In most cases perfectionist don’t take the same risks as those pursuing excellence and end up stunting their personal development.”

Perfectionist thinking can also be used to explain a win-at-all-costs mentality. In the name of winning or succeeding, many perfectionists probably end up jeopardizing their health and relationships. We can’t appreciate the learning that comes from mistakes, and we can’t enjoy the process of learning, growing, and healthy living when we have a perfectionist mindset.

Encourage Excellence

When we strive for excellence, we are satisfied with a job well done. We learn from our mistakes rather than allowing them to define us. We appreciate the process as well as the ultimate result of our efforts.

Striving for excellence helps us be adaptable, with the ability to change our standards and goals as needed. We don’t fall into the trap of all-or-nothing thinking or self-criticism. 

Excellence is about the process and it’s living life through the lens of integrity. It’s about doing things with consideration and higher purpose, and this paves the way for others to emulate striving to be their own best out of encouragement of what is possible.

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Why Create Employee Opportunities for Career Advancement

Why Create Employee Opportunities for Career Advancement

Why Create Employee Opportunities for Career Advancement

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Leading employees to achieve personal satisfaction in their careers is the key to becoming an organization where people want to stay for the long haul.

“Employees expect leaders to care about their career growth, in order to stay engaged.”

People usually work for companies where they see growth opportunities. If you want to keep your employees for the long run, you must try to make sure they have growth opportunities every step of the way.

This is even more important right now during what is being called “The Great Resignation” economy. People have felt stuck during the pandemic. Most of what they have felt isn’t related to work, but since work makes up a good chunk of people’s time and energy, the most common way to seek to get unstuck is to change jobs.

Now more than ever, it’s important to have some strategies you can use to give your employees adequate growth opportunities to keep them engaged.

Take a Personal and Genuine Interest

As a leader you must make sure that you know what your employees want out of their careers. This depends on the kind of employees you have too. If you are a company that is managing a group of employees remotely, you must bilaterally create frequent communications channels and effectively keep conversations going.

The interactions should often also be one-on-one so that you can stay in tune with their career aspirations and expectations. If all you are doing are stand up meetings requiring everyone to give an update on what they are doing, you will fail to create an environment where people feel cared for.

Employers must stop treating people like a transaction… the mindset of “we pay you to work, what you do with your future is your business” is a failed strategy in retention and in creating a culture of co-leaders.

“The key to creating career opportunities for employees is to have a culture of co-leaders, instead of subordinates.”

Promote Learning and Training

Whether the people you have are complete trainees or are very experienced, they are always looking for growth. It is very helpful to allow them to learn more about the job they do, but it’s equally important to support their aspirations on their terms and encourage learning what they are most passionate about, so they can become masterful at their desired career skills.

This will give them the incentive to work smarter and harder to bring value to the company, but also create a sense of loyalty for giving them access to what they truly desire.

“Constant learning is the key to constant growth, something that organizations should proactively promote.”

Mentorship Programs

Establishing a formal mentorship program within your organization can help your employees as well. When they receive guidance from people who have been in their shoes and have moved on to greater things, they feel motivated and inspired to do the same.

The transfer of knowledge from people who know more about the corporate ladder to the people who know less is crucial. These mentoring sessions are not only beneficial to the junior employees. Through open interaction, senior leaders can get fresh and new insights about the industry by keeping an open mind about new perspectives.

Rotate Roles

When humans are stuck in repetitive and redundant tasks for 1/3rd of their day every single day, their efficiency decreases, and they become less and less productive. Leadership needs to ensure that the roles of employees are rotated and shuffled occasionally, so that people retain an interest in their jobs.

Efficiency increases when new tasks are given to people who have been slogging under the same burden for months. Not only does this strategy help the employees break out of the vicious circle of repetition, but it also helps the company integrate fresh perspectives and training into employees at regular intervals.

Emphasize the Big Picture

The company must paint a big picture and emphasize it in front of its employees. This is crucial for everyone because it helps to set long-term goals and aspirations for the company. The mission of the company, when highlighted frequently, becomes inscribed in the minds of every person working for the organization, no matter how small.

This can be done by offering regular insights into how a person’s day-to-day interactions and contributions augment the company’s goal. It’s key to get employees vested into the big picture as well. Don’t try to get everyone excited about an IPO and then offer zero in terms of stock ownership or equity, for example.

Succession Planning Program

There is a dire need to value high-performing and high-potential employees of your company. You must make it apparent to them that you are not only willing to invest your resources in their professional development, but you are also opening them up to positions where they can become the future leaders of the business.

That is a powerful message to send to your high-performing employees. When these women and men see themselves heralding the company’s legacy, they feel inclined to grow there and make the company part of their own career growth.

These are some of the things you can do and strategies you can implement to make your employees feel cared for, during their time at your company. 

By employing these strategies, you are investing in their future and their overall growth, which they will value, and return in kind in the form of more productivity, loyalty and longevity.

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Why Help Employees Become Self-reliant

Why Help Employees Become Self-reliant

Why Help Employees Become Self-reliant

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Companies who want to make sure that their employees keep working with them long term, must take steps to create a positive and memorable work environment.

What people really want, besides competitive compensation, is a sense of autonomy, and belonging. They want their work to have meaning and want to feel empowered to make an impact.

A good onboarding process might be an excellent first step, but what happens in the first year of employment shapes the future of the overall relationship.

A study conducted at Aberdeen amongst 230 organizations found that around 90% of their employees decide to either stay at the company or leave it during the first year of their employment.

Let’s go over a few ways companies can help employees become self-reliant and why this will increase retention and create a better environment.


The real work and learning happen on the job, not during the onboarding. That is to say that when new employees are hired, the work that they will be doing in the organization is laid out to them in their onboarding briefing, but not implementable unless they see how the work takes place in real life.

Assigning a mentor from the company to each new hire makes it easy for both the company and employee to acclimate to each other. It helps new employees make their way around their duties in an unfamiliar environment.

If misunderstandings come up, a mentor can be a guide to help the new employee navigate through the culture, reducing the risk of that employee leaving because they suddenly feel like they don’t belong.

A mentor doesn’t have to be a member of the leadership team, it’s best if it’s a peer. This creates a safe space for new employees to open about their needs, and it creates opportunities for employees who sign up to mentor to practice leadership skills.

“Peer-to-peer mentorship enables people to step into leadership and creates a network of people learning self-reliance.”

Growth Opportunities

Studies show that only 15% of organizations extend their onboarding beyond six months. This number also falls as time passes. The number drops drastically to 2% for a year-long onboarding.

Conventional onboarding processes don’t last very long, but to make employees more self-sufficient and reliable, the extension of these processes is necessary.

After the initial levels of the onboarding process are complete, companies should continue to offer new employees relevant training programs to make them more efficient in their work.

However, the onus to train employees does not fall completely on the employers. Employees must be proactive in their approach towards their work and must strive to seek out new avenues for learning constantly.

Meetings, seminars, and training sessions help spread the learning of one or two to the entire team. These meetings also act as great platforms for spreading new ideas, perspectives, and insights within the organization.

If your company does not have a training team, you are likely suffering from higher churn and less engaged employees. Training can be a shared task among employees seeking to develop those skills and creates opportunities for growth.

One of the key roles of the training team, should also include helping new hires understand possible career paths, and how to get there. Most organizations spend considerable time defining policies, but not enough time charting growth opportunities for employees.

“Let career paths, become a peer-to-peer level conversation, further enhancing a self-reliant environment among employees.”

Automate Everything

This may come as a shock to some, but most people don’t like administrative tasks. Reports after reports and overly aggressive metrics, make people feel like machines and assets instead of human beings. Organizations who are very metrics and admin driven show up as distrusting, and that puts employees on guard, causing them to not engage, and leave.

The key here isn’t to eliminate metrics, rather it is to reduce the dependence of employees on the administration of trivial tasks or efficiency-related tasks.

In the age of the internet and digitalization, you as an organization must strive to make everything automated and digitalized for the convenience of employees.

This also reduces the substantive training period and time that people need to get adequately acquainted with the setup of the organization.

Automating the administration’s side of processes makes onboarding simpler for everyone involved. Implementing technology to automate mundane and repetitive tasks saves work hours and focuses human innovation on the things that require a mindful touch.

“Efficiency and productivity skyrockets by automating tasks because it allows employees to focus on things that really matter instead of useless formalities.”

Welcome Feedback

New hires are often people right out of school or right out of an environment entirely different from that of your organization. In terms of their experience, they have something newer and better to offer, which might make your organization more productive and efficient.

It is important to keep an open mind and ear to suggestions from new hires. You never know when you might encounter an idea that could either save your company a large sum of money or increase your profits in ways you never thought were possible.

The rigid mindset of “this is how we do things” is counterproductive to creating an environment where people can have an impact and give meaning to their work.

Be Unavailable

To help people become more self-reliant, hang up some “Do Not Disturb” signs around your office. This way, they don’t become co-depended on executives for constant support for every little thing.

Learn to say, “I don’t know… how do you think we should do it?” even when you know. The truth is that when people feel empowered to make an impact, they not only take ownership of the task at hand but take ownership of the fate of the company.

Let people learn to figure out independently how to solve an issue, and when they do, even if it’s contrary to how you as a leader would do it, don’t block them… let them do the work on their own terms.

“When people are asked to bring their own way of doing things to solve challenges, they become owners of the fate of the company, and active contributors to its ongoing success.”

To be effective at this, companies need to treat everyone as adults and expect everyone to act accordingly. Adults don’t need their hand held, or to be told what to do. Adults make things happen through collaboration and mutual respect.

Autonomy and ownership make better employees and a more valuable teammate. 

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How to Reduce Employee Attrition

How to Reduce Employee Attrition

How to Reduce Employee Attrition

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Employee attrition weakens an organization. When employees leave an organization high and dry without giving leadership the time to replace them, it hurts the morale of other employees, and the brand image with customers. 

“Attrition impacts the efficiency and productivity of an organization.”

Different Types of Attrition

Attrition in an organization can be of different types and have varied impact on the people left behind.

Voluntary Resignation — This is when employees leave on their own. There are several reasons why employees might choose to do this including — limited growth opportunity, lack of appreciation, mismatch of job role, better pay in a different organization, work-related stress that can become long-term frustration, or even the source of illness. 

It is factors like these mentioned above that contribute to voluntary attrition. A study conducted in the recent past says 49% of millennials never think that they are going to last in one organization or company for more than two years at a time.

Involuntary Attrition — This is the attrition when employees are removed from their posts or positions due to a lack of performance or poor ethical conduct in the workspace. This attrition can aid or harm the company depending on how the decisions regarding the termination of employees are made.

Retirement — Retirement of key employees can be a huge blow to the everyday functioning of the company if they haven’t prepared for it well. It might not be very easy to fill the shoes of an experienced employee without enough notice.

Internal attrition — This occurs when an employee leaves key posts in one department to join more important positions in other departments. In this case, the company or corporation might benefit, but the department that is left behind might be harmed through gradual attrition.

Ways to Minimize Attrition

There are some proven steps that organizations can take to reduce their losses through employee attrition. Here are some to consider.

Do Not Skimp on Compensation

Most organizations cannot afford to pay every employee a hefty paycheck every month, however maintaining industry parity is necessary. Studies have suggested that voluntary resignation from jobs occurs when the compensation offered to employees is even 10% lower than the industry or company average for that position. 

While it is important to make tough decisions about employee salary, it is also crucial for companies to keep the bar up. If employees must ask to be brought up to parity with the market in compensation, the organization practicing this will suffer higher attrition.

Conversely organizations that proactively bring employees’ salaries at parity with the market, have lower attrition. 

“It’s a smart choice to be proactive in compensating employees at least on parity if not better than market trends.”

Match People to the Right Roles

I’ve personally seen this happen to very good sales leaders who get courted for a leadership role, only to end up in some fancy individual contributor role. Nothing wrong with individual contributor roles, but the person who was being courted for a business unit head capacity feels robbed, and that’s the beginning of the end of that relationship. 

It’s important to be totally honest with what you are hiring for, just as it is important to let employees be transparent about their preferred roles.

The best leaders don’t just hire to fill roles, they hire to enhance the value the organization creates. Matching up people to the right roles is a learned leadership skill, yet an important one to reduce attrition, and maintain a competitive advantage in the market.

Reward Employees Often

Your employees need to understand that you, as an organization, appreciate their work and that their efforts are not going unnoticed. Hence, you need to make sure that their big successes or their proactivity in the workplace get rewarded often. 

This keeps morale high in the workplace and motivates your people to do more than expected. 

“Creating an atmosphere of acknowledgment and trust is crucial to lowering attrition.”

Engage Employees

Working in an organization for a long time might often become mundane, repetitive, and bland for most people. Here, productivity rates begin to fall, and the company’s efficiency decreases. 

The leadership’s responsibility is to keep employees engaged in everyday tasks by making the workplace a warm and hospitable environment.

Be Flexible

Employees crave a flexible work/life. If you’re not offering employees flexibility around work hours and locations, they might easily leave you for someone who will. 

With the improving economy and the coming talent shortage, attrition promises only to get worse. The 5 days’ work week is antiquated, why not change it up. Experiment with a four-day workweek. There are some real measurable benefits to doing so to both the organization and the people.

Practice Gratitude

Encouraging prosocial behavior with your employees, can create a culture of generosity and gratitude. Connecting through acts of giving and expression of gratitude, employees will be healthier, happier, and less likely to leave. 

“Encouraging to lookout for good behaviors to commend gives employees a sense of ownership of the company.”

Even if your business is otherwise successful, employee attrition can cut into your profits and even cause you to lose customers. Developing a plan to reduce attrition is the only way to get ahead of it.

“Employees are the building blocks of an organization and ensure the success of a business, so it’s important to keep them happy.”

Create an environment where everyone feels proud to work for your company. Employees should feel safe, valued, and included. They shouldn’t be afraid to be themselves in the workplace or forced to be someone they are not. 

“Creating an outstanding company culture will ensure lower attrition.”

Finally, have more fun. When people are paid competitively, do work that aligns with their personal aspirations, get rewarded often, feel like they are doing something good in the world through social impact, practice gratitude and have fun…. they don’t have time to think about leaving. Why would they?

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The Importance of Downtime on Health and Productivity

The Importance of Downtime on Health and Productivity

The Importance of Downtime on Health and Productivity

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The evidence that emptying your mind is a vital part of being creative and successful is proliferating.

However, many people do not take advantage of their paid vacation time, even if they have access to a week or several weeks off. Most people cancel or postpone vacation time due to actual or perceived job obligations. It is a concerning issue for both large enterprises and family-owned businesses.

Getting away, on the other hand, does not imply leaving the country or even the residence. The goal is to locate a place that allows you to take a mental break from work — and all its anxieties. 

It could be as simple as putting your phone away for a few days. For a few days, stop checking emails and receive regular notifications. It could simply mean “to unplug.”

Some people do this while staying at home (a “staycation”), while others go to the cottage or out of town. In either case, a change of scenery aids in a better complete dissociation from daily problems.

“A vacation allows you to take some well-deserved time off from work and rest and recharge your batteries.”

Work might cause exhaustion and stress if you spend too much time there. This, in turn, has a direct impact on our physical and mental health. A few days away from work might help you refresh and de-stress. However, a weekend is insufficient. Vacation days are supposed to be utilized! 

Last week I wrote about the benefits of the four day work week. I thought I would follow up with writing about the importance of extended downtime. 

Get Enough Sleep

The priority during down time is to get some rest. Solid, high-quality sleep allows your brain and body to rejuvenate. It is a chance to put all you have learned throughout the day into practice. 

Some people claim that they can function on only a few hours of sleep a night, but this is untrue. 

“When you get a healthy eight hours of sleep, you will be more productive, creative, and happy.”

Go on Vacation

The second type of downtime is vacation. A more extended period away from work (at least three to five days) is a great way to recharge your batteries. 

While you are away from your usual routine, you can take a fresh look at your life. When you look at it from the outside, it is easier to see what you want to modify!

“Vacation time allows you some self-reflection and the ability to check in with your life’s trajectory, and make plans for changes as needed.”

Take Regular Breaks

The third type of downtime is the tiniest and most complex. It is those fleeting moments of clarity in your mind that come through meditation, a walk in the woods, participating in sports, or simply sipping a cappuccino on a terrace in the middle of your workday.

Find something you love to do, and go do it. Swimming, biking, reading, whatever it is… use it as your break time.

Importance of Downtime 

Downtime isn’t a luxury, it is a necessity to maintain good mental, physical and emotional health. 

Rest helps you boost mental capacity: A well-rested mind that is free of worry is often more effective and creative. Hence you should plan a vacation regularly.

Time off maintains better physical health: A vacation provides the opportunity to catch up on sleep and exercise, which are two simple remedies for our many aches and pain.

Vacations increase your productivity at work: Despite popular belief, research shows that providing employees with additional vacation time enhances corporate productivity and reduces the number of sick days required. Employees have a better quality of life due to liberal vacation rules, which translates to better work quality. Workers also report feeling more creative after taking time off. And more than 70% of them said they were happier at work when they took regular vacations.

Vacations can help you strengthen relationships: A break is an excellent opportunity to spend time together in a less scheduled setting and build lasting memories together, whether with loved ones.

Vacations remind you to appreciate life: Taking time off can be an excellent opportunity to meet new people, laugh, read, learn, and do the things that you enjoy the most.

Finally, vacations might help you stay young! Chronic stress is proven to hasten biological ageing as well as the ageing process. 

Why don’t you do yourself a favor for your well-being? Make self-care a priority and schedule some time off. Taking regular vacations is one of the most satisfying treatments for keeping well even from a medical standpoint.

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