Society 2045’s Better Communities with Conscious Contracts®

Society 2045’s Better Communities with Conscious Contracts®

Society 2045’s Better Communities with Conscious Contracts®

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To successfully build better relationships in our communities is to make them safer. Listening, understanding, making efforts to connect, and having a sense of trust are crucial aspects of community relationships and engagement.

Businesses can lead by example with contracts designed to reduce conflicts and make a positive impact in the community. Everything done in the community is for the people, of the people, and by the people. This is a social responsibility we all share to make our communities better.

Society 2045 has an ongoing series of interviews with change-makers seeking to improve the way society works.

Society 2045 is a community of people from around the world seeking to co-discover a vision for the year 2045. The goal is to connect with leaders of emerging communities and movements across society and come together to co-create a better future.

Recently, in an interview with J Kim Wright, we talked about the goals of community relationships. How can we address issues that come up legally, solve them, and help accomplish the mission of enabling better relationships in our respective communities? J Kim Wright is a co-founder of Society 2045 and the co-founder of Conscious Contracts ® .

Conscious Contracts®

Conscious Contracts® are a proprietary process for creating sustainable, relational, and values-based agreements. This process provides a framework for authentic communication, connection, clarity, and relationship design. It builds on best practices of modern contracts like plain language, design thinking, and using visuals. It is also influenced by restorative justice, collaboration, and conscious business practices.

Conscious Contracts® aim to calculate who the individual is, the reason behind the work and how it is essential for the individual, how the person will engage in the community, and the project’s aim.

With what objective the person has started the mission and the vision. The contract aims to build a sustainable relationship to create a better community engagement and connection. The tone and content reflect the relational model. The parties engage themselves with a conversation about the relationship’s values, aims, and hopes. The contract does not just remember the questions of “what, who, when, and how”; it also considers the value of relationships.

How Conscious Contracts® Work

We try to build a relationship with specific ACED metrics in mind. ACED stands for Addressing Change & Engaging Disagreement (ACED Clause), and it allows the parties to design a sustainable culture including how they will communicate. manage change, engage disagreements, and maintain a more conscious culture.

A relationship is defined by how we treat each other, what we share (our vision, mission, values, efforts, benefits), our reasons for joining forces, and by what our conversations look like as we journey forward together.

Conscious Contracts® encourages us to begin with the relationship and then discover our shared action plan. The action plan defines the mutual promises of the contract but through a different reflective angle. The agreement or the action plan brings out how the relationship is rebuilt after conflict arises.

This approach to justice, collaborative relationships, and healing are referred to as the Integrative Law Movement. Irrespective of the legal issues, we take hold of the problems and find a way to resolve them. Moreover, we solve them with a structural model to make them more relational.

“The power of Conscious Contracts® is in its ability to catalyze a transformational paradigm shift.”

The Problem

Any issues that arise among the community do not suddenly disappear if we don’t address them and let them go without being solved. Similarly, anything in society must take equal efforts and trust to subside it and resolve. Conscious Contracts ® can transform how we perceive things and how we work towards them.

Engagement will rise in the community, and fewer issues will arise. Effort and trust are critical aspects of this goal. Only proposing an idea to the community cannot stand alone. We must build trust.

The Solution

Kim states that with Conscious Contracts® lawyers can take on the responsibilities of peacemaking, problem-solving, and healing the wounds among the community, which can become their mission and purpose. She says practitioners and the parties can create agreements valuable for all sides while accomplishing peace as their mutual mission.

The focus is on building up a healing environment and equality among all stakeholders with compassion, love, and empathy, and this will contribute to better relationships in communities.

Kim’s vision of a future where conflicts can be resolved peacefully is groundbreaking. It will be amazing if we can achieve her vision in the coming years. Check out the interview here: 

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Society 2045’s Future of Work for the Betterment of Humanity

Society 2045’s Future of Work for the Betterment of Humanity

Society 2045’s Future of Work for the Betterment of Humanity

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The world is transforming at its own pace. People who are thinking to bring out more changes into the system are doing so with the desire for the betterment of humankind. Sadly, often change has been coerced with force and domination tactics.

Can we manifest positive change without forced regulation?

“The changes we want, to enable a better society, must be done by collectively being a part of the betterment program.”

Society 2045 has an ongoing series of interviews with change-makers seeking to improve the way society works.

Society 2045 is a community of people from around the world seeking to co-discover a vision for the year 2045. The goal is to connect with leaders of emerging communities and movements across society and come together to co-create a better future.

We had an interview with Jose Leal and discussed his vision for the year 2045 and how we can improve the condition of community. Jose Leal is a co-founder of Society 2045, and is Co-Author of the book “RADICAL Companies: Organized for Success without Bosses or Employees.”

The world has been attempting to transform to improve humanity rigorously. For example, the transformation from analogue media to digital media in our hands is a transformation that has taken place over recent years. We now have access to almost limitless information in the palm of our hands.

Being a part of the change is something beautiful. Lending a helping hand to better the human future is productive and a hope of transformation gives us something to look forward to. 

However, as a species we’ve always found a way to introduce force to get others to comply to change. This approach has mostly failed and will continue to fail. We need a better way.

The Vision

The future of everything, be it education, law, or finance, is about transitioning to humanity. This will come by shifting towards motivation to work rather than forcing how the current system works.

Jose Leal envisions the future of work as a place to express thoughts rather than being only a place of work. He anticipates that informed people will change or make a positive difference in the world.

According to Jose Leal, 23 years from now we will experience a transit in people’s minds in a way that will shift their motivation into a catalyst to fulfill a better future. People will instigate the systems towards what needs change.

According to Jose the vision of making a difference in the thought processes of serving society and the community rather than the system, is something that people will broadly understand.

“Perspectives will change, as people develop the motivation to serve humanity.”

The Process

The way transportation went from horse and carriages to having cars changed within 20–25 years. The same shift will take place in humanitarian benefit. People will think about working for themselves or in small organizations.

The advantage of having an individual workspace rather than serving organizations is the change that will take place in the future. The change is already taken place now.

The paradigm of working under force in a command-and-control environment to choosing a way to work based on freedom will put the world a step ahead for the ultimate transition to a freer society. The difference is gradually taking place, but more is needed.

The Solution

People already manifest great things in area of the world where there is a regulation or force and less freedom. Imagine the innovation we could collectively give birth to, with more freedom.

“The motivation and striving for freedom drives people to want to change systems that don’t serve our greater good.”

The Workplace Needs Transformation

We still do not have the freedom to express our opinions in the workplace. Most workplaces drive towards compliance and uniformity. This creates a barrier to innovation and motivates people to want to change the system even more.

We can fuel more innovation and transformation only by creating tools that will suffice the needs of people. Those needs are four-fold:

1) The need for belonging

2) The need for meaning

3) The need to make an impact

4) The need to be becoming

Twenty-three years from now, we will see the changes in society that have already taken place in the minds of the young today. They are questioning their efforts and hard work, in relationship to the wealth of organizations.

Organizations focused only on old legacy goals, will continue to suffer high levels or attrition because younger generations value freedom over controls, meaning over profits, and impact over market share.

According to Jose Leal, the transformation that has taken place in the world historically has been in the form of revolutions. All these changes that are to come, will be by some form of revolution as well.

To change the systems is not an easy task. It needs collaboration. The change needs to bind people with the same drive, and collaboration and communication is the first step.

Working with each other and building up trust is crucial rather than simply having more rules and regulations from the legal framework.

Society 2045 is working to bring people together and realize their vision. They would then have the tools to work out their strategies. They would not be the pawns of the organizations, instead they would enjoy their newly created freedom.

The betterment of humanity relies on how organizations will empower people to express fully their innate gifts, which will foster new levels of innovation.

“The future of work isn’t just a catalyst for better working environments, but rather an opportunity to transform society to be more human centric.”

Jose’s vision of a future of work designed around people’s needs is groundbreaking. It will be amazing if we can achieve his vision in the coming years. Check out the interview here:

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Society 2045’s Outlook for Purposeful Relationships at Work

Society 2045’s Outlook for Purposeful Relationships at Work

Society 2045’s Outlook for Purposeful Relationships at Work

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In the corporate world, diminishing the barriers of bureaucratic hierarchy is essential to create a more intimate work environment centered on collaboration and engagement. 

“Collapsing rules that restrict people is the key to changing the outlook on relationships in the workplace.”

Changing the dynamics of relationships at the workplace from bosses and subordinates to equally valuable peers and diminishing the power rules will significantly impact how companies work, and ultimately impact society.

Society 2045 has an ongoing series of interviews with change-makers seeking to improve the way society works.

Society 2045 is a community of people from around the world seeking to co-discover a vision for the year 2045. The goal is to connect with leaders of emerging communities and movements across society and come together to co-create a better future.

In an interview with Harini Sreenivasan, we talked about the future of the corporate world. Professor Harini Sreenivasan is a seasoned human resources leader with expertise in all areas of HR across geographies including India, Europe, Middle East, Turkey, and APAC countries. Harini is a pharmaceutical scientist and a social activist.

Dealing with People

All business accomplishments are related to relationships. Business organizations must bring out peace and harmony in the workplace for a better future. It will create purpose and meaning to move forward with the vision to unite around goals. People should not just be power-hungry, instead should seek to break free of the hierarchical bureaucracy. 

“Businesses are an expression of people’s goals, vision, and desire to fulfill a purpose.”

Striving for Better

Each person has a purpose in driving their work. There must be no rules to restrict an individual. Instead, we need to provide the tools to ease challenges that limit the ability to realize the vision and purpose of the organization.

When there are too many rules and restrictions, people are taught to follow instructions. People in such environments do not use get to fully utilize their knowledge and skills.

“Every individual is created with their own strength, thoughts, and learnings.”

There should be fewer rules and more tools to enable individuals to understand the meaning and purpose of life. The vision is to provide equipment to create one’s destiny to walk towards achieving collective goals, without constraints and rules.

The Power of Visualization

The optimistic view in business organizations must come about by visualization. The power distance and the hierarchy that operates in the business world should be reduced to the extent that we would stop having the relationship of employer and employee. Instead, we should focus on being called partners.

These changes will help balance work-life and reduce the stress and anxiety created in the workplace. Breaking the power barrier will help us unitedly work for the same purpose and towards the same goals without the need for force, or cohesion.

To debunk the hierarchical and power distance that is prevalent in most organizations is challenging. We do not only need to change ourselves, but we also need to change the people around us with the same thoughts.

“Debunking the command and controls organizational system needs to be a united effort.”

Therefore, we need to celebrate the small success stories that come our way. Success stories must bring out the progress to making someone’s life better. The changes must be continuously discussed and spread about far and wide.

Harini says, “It’s an endeavor to make you think differently so that you live those values. So, the mindset is to be changed to refrain from detrimental outcomes.”

The Problem

The power hunger in spheres like academies and professional workplaces and the treatment of people as “human resources” or just workers under instructions, has built a power distance among individuals working together.

It is crucial to understand and validate that we are all adults working together trying to bring about changes by practicing transparency in our conversations. 

We need to reduce the power distance and break the bureaucratic systems that has held us down for years. This change requires a united effort and gradual steps.

The pandemic can be cited as a positive outcome in reducing power distance. For instance, the new inventories of equipment and tools deployed during the pandemic have declined the power distance among business corporates, bringing radical changes to the hierarchical system in the bureaucracy.

People working from home can fully decide and drive the outcomes of their day. They can define their day by creating meaning and purpose on their terms.

The Solution

The educational system must be changed to help the mindset of students before they set foot in the corporate world.

Fundamental change must be people’s mindset regarding their relationship to work. Psychological safety is of vital importance. The culture of psychological safety should be inculcated into the system to experiment without the fear of failure and consequence.

Manager roles need to change into being coaches to provide psychologically safe spaces. They must be mindful of the effects of their decisions on people, not just be transactional focused.

The reduction in restrictions at the workplace will help transform the workplace with motivated and confident partners. But, unfortunately, be it in organizations or at home, we face some constrain holding us back from bringing out the potential that we already have in ourselves.

We become the environment we associate with. A more open and collaborative environment creates more intimacy, teamwork, and a sense of shared purpose and vision.

Isn’t it time we start working as a team, instead of having limiting hierarchies that create distance and space between people?

“People want to be part of something with shared purpose, and treated as partners at work, instead of resources.”

Harini’s vision of a more collective team-oriented work environment with less rules and no hierarchies are groundbreaking. It will be amazing if we can achieve her vision in the coming years. Check out the interview here: 

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Society 2045’s Economic Framework for Better Community Engagement

Society 2045’s Economic Framework for Better Community Engagement

Society 2045’s Economic Framework for Better Community Engagement

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Building a foundation of strong morals, values, and engagement is crucial for the development of engaged communities. We cannot simply rely on technologies to solve all our issues. It is vital to create value and mutual respect among communities in the postmodern world. 

Organizations, businesses, or educational institutions are composed of people. Therefore, taking care of each other, being in relationship and creating peace and harmony needs to be the main objective to create a better future.

Society 2045 has an ongoing series of interviews with change-makers seeking to improve the way society works.

Society 2045 is a community of people from around the world seeking to co-discover a vision for the year 2045. The goal is to connect with leaders of emerging communities and movements across society and come together to co-create a better future.

Recently, in an interview with Aviv Shahar, we talked about how we can reform community to bring changes that have been lost in the postmodern world. Aviv Shahar grew up in Israel on a kibbutz, where he worked in an avocado orchard and internalized a can-do idealism. 

He later became a fighter pilot in the Israeli Air Force. Today Aviv is a member of The Million Dollar Consulting® Hall of Fame. His work has been published in magazines, like T+D and The Futurist, as well as in books like “The AMA Best of the Best” and the Pfeiffer Annuals. Aviv is a consultant to various Fortune 500 companies.


According to Aviv, to have a good life, it is important to harmonize the inner conclave. If we want to change the future, and if we want a better society in 2045, spirituality is the key.

“We can impact the next generation in a positive way through spirituality.”

Improved spirituality can bring about the necessary changes to harmonize the inner conclave of the community. It defines things between us as people and with nature. It is the only way to balance our otherwise chaotic life.

“We need to reframe life by diminishing the chaotic instances in society.”

The Four Pathways

Aviv Shahar comes from critical perspectives that shaped his views, consulting, and coaching work. He discovered that it is crucial to co-create collectively, to bring the idea of learning and profound insight into what organizational learning is.

These are the critical and crucial pathways, according to Aviv, for the future to transform positively.

Personal Development: Embrace a new system focused on engagement, integration, and the implementation of active collaborate.

“Compassion, vision, and perseverance combined form virtue and discipline of the mind.”

The focus is on becoming a fully embodied person. One will have the ability to perceive, engage, integrate, and collaborate with the new capabilities based on self-emergence. Personal development alone is not enough. It is crucial to investigate other aspects of cooperation within the collective dimension.

Collective development: We need to keep growing with a sense of harmony, peace, and desire to bring mutual respect into society from healthy organizational evolution. As human beings, peace is our cornerstone to a good life.

“Building collective peace and harmony is crucial to developing the organizations of the future.”

Search for truth: Whatever the problem is, it is essential to search for the truth, to inquire about the central issues. Most organizations have lost engagement capacity. Because as Aviv Shahir says, we live in a postmodern world of insanity and madness. Therefore, he asks us to create a new language and reassess logic to hold healthy conversations.

“Organizations and communities have lost the sense of togetherness and shared values — We need collaborativeness.“

In his view, it is essential to redefine the ways of work, future, law, and justice and the space of evaluation and assessment practices. The change would take place with the inclusion of holistic development, with many scientific practices.

New economic framework: It is essential to redefine, reform, and bring new activism into the world. The education system must be redefined and renewed as it is the place to begin to enable a new set of experiences so that we may develop communities differently. There should be people that are actively engaged with the desire for collaborations to drive a new economic framework.

The Problem

Aviv Shahar says that societies, and organizations have different social, cultural, economic, environmental energy, and ecological degradation crises that create complex walls. Be it an institution or a business, all these crises bring about a geographical breakdown and eliminate productive and positive outcomes. These crises need to be addressed for us to achieve a society in 2045 founded on collaboration.

The pandemic has created depression in people, and he thinks it is the end of the epoch. Aviv Shahar says that it reflects the operating system ongoing in the world today. The problem lies in the operation of the system itself. Therefore, it becomes crucial to consider different developmental paradigms to renew and restructure the degraded framework.

The Solution

A new economic framework should be taught to redeem humanity from a forced paradigm. For the framework to work, it is crucial to investigate moralities, values, and justice norms. All the art design in the new strategy for future growth needs to be engineered.

Leadership must be encouraged to cultivate personal development and the necessary procedures to reassess the economic framework. We need spiritually active people who investigate matters with a more collaborative goal-oriented perspective.

The newer or modern generations have lost touch with the previous generation. The thoughts that have the technologies in our hands would source and solve all the issues. Our behavioral pattern, personal developments, engagement, moralities, and values would only require the attention of the human inner technology to solve.

Therefore, we need to bring out the ways and means cross-generationally with mutual respect for the different development stages to engage and continue moving forward.

Aviv’s vision of a new economic framework for better community engagement is groundbreaking. It will be amazing if we can achieve his vision in the coming years. Check out the interview here:

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Society 2045’s Radically Collaborative Organizations

Society 2045’s Radically Collaborative Organizations

Society 2045’s Radically Collaborative Organizations

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In our lives, we all have some pain and challenges. These challenges and pain are mostly a result of our choices.

We are free to make different choices that will change the outcome of our lives. It only requires research and study to make a difference. We can make a difference in others’ lives too.

“The way we show up as individuals at work, has an impact on the entire organization.”

If we are individuals who crave and thrive in collaborative environments, we will want to influence more collaboration. Ultimately, we want to be part of radically collaborative organizations.

“Collaboration is rooted in the desire to co-create and the building blocks of collaboration are fairness and trust.”

How can we evolve radically collaborative organizations? What are the principles to create a fair and trustworthy working environment?

Society 2045 has an ongoing series of interviews with change-makers seeking to improve the way society works.

Society 2045 is a community of people from around the world seeking to co-discover a vision for the year 2045. The goal is to connect with leaders of emerging communities and movements across society and come together to co-create a better future.

In an interview with Matt K. Parker, we discussed his vision of 2045 and ways to enable organizations to work collaboratively and support each other. Matt has written a book called “A Radical Enterprise — Pioneering the Future of High-Performing Organizations”, available for pre-order.

He worked with Pivotal Labs as a software programmer for a decade. In that organization, he experienced a radically collaborative environment. Without bosses, self-managing teams were working with clients to build software.

After working in several organizations, he researched in collaboration with various organizations for answers to many questions he had in his mind.

How collaboratively do organizations really work? Why do they work collaboratively? What is necessary for succeeding at a radically collaborative method?

He concluded his research and figured out four principles for radical collaboration. He called these principles ‘imperatives’ in his book.

The Four Collaboration Imperatives

Matt called them imperatives because he found them imperative for organizations to sustain and build radically collaborative structures and environments.

1) Team Autonomy

According to Matt, team autonomy has several dimensions. These include how people work collectively. What practices they use for various tasks? Work culture and schedules. Roles and duties in an organization.

“Autonomy plays a big role in enabling passionate employees.”

2) Managerial Devolution

The technical meaning of the word ‘managerial devolution’ is the decentralization of power. It makes the organization more agile, responsive, powerful, and nimble. These are organizations that coordinate work collaboratively and keep things leveled. In a radically collaborative organization, we experience a sense of security, fairness, self-esteem, respect, trust, and belonging.

“Employees who have a sense of belonging, fairness, respect, and trust, naturally want to contribute to a collaborative environment.”

3) Deficiency Gratification

This imperative comes from the field of positive psychology. According to Matt, we cannot feel secure or cannot have an autonomous environment without the cooperation of people around us. People need each other to balance their life at work or home. They communicate with each other and collaborate regularly. People recognize each other not only for the work they do, but the harmony and gratification they bring to the world.

“Harmony and gratification co-exist in collaborative environments.”

4) Candid Vulnerability

There are several types of behavior and routines that people exhibit inside organizations. One is defensive reasoning behavior, in which people maintain unilateral control over winning. They suppress negative emotions in themselves and others.

Another one is productive reasoning behavior. Matt Parker gave it the name “candid vulnerability”. It drives from heart to heart. When people collaborate, they say what they think. They make everything open and vulnerable for examination, critique, and validation from others. Groups or teams can innovate collectively rather than fight for an idea. They share their ideas and collectively evolve a result together. Some organizations are already practicing it and even learning from it.

“Collaboration leads to openness and trust enabling powerful organizations to thrive together.”

Possible Outcomes

Radically collaborative organizations have a potential bright future as it gives a way to highly competitive companies, instead of domination based and structured companies with lots of hierarchy, sucking the joy out of workers.

Collaborative organizations are human governing and free agencies. Newer generations will evolve the process even more as they work in such an environment.

Salaries and compensation in radically collaborative organization are peer-based. They collaboratively decide what is better for their success. This creates more fairness and opportunities.


What truly matters to people nowadays is changing dramatically. More of us are motivated by things like simplicity, beauty, completeness, and cessations.

We all feel more independent having a psychologically healthy environment around us. We desire to create democratic structure and clinically observed characteristics. This will lead to different behaviors and sociality within groups, organizations, and even nations.

Matt has recently started an online community for people who discover his book and want to find other people to talk about it. We can cultivate and nurture the worldwide community that attempts to achieve new ways of being a collaborative group. They can share their stories of success and failure and can support each other through the journey.

“People become immersed in a psychologically healthy environment with radical collaboration and achieve collective innovations through productive reasoning.”

We all need to work collectively to develop a society that works collaboratively and enable healthy environments everyone will feel happy and dedicated towards.

Matt’s vision for a radically collaborative society in 2045 is groundbreaking. It will be amazing if we can achieve his vision in the coming years. Check out the interview here: 

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Society 2045’s Sustainable Economy

Society 2045’s Sustainable Economy

Society 2045’s Sustainable Economy

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Today, every country in the world has a dream to become the supreme world power. In the process to accomplish this, they have disturbed the ecological balance of nature.

People are fighting among themselves for the safety and security of peace. We all know in history that wars never cause harmony. War always leads to massive destruction.

Is it the right time to save our natural resources and create a more harmonious world for all?

Our earth is giving us signs that extinction could be possible. We have already seen some form of massive extinction with all the forest fires, sea levels rising to threatening levels, frequent floods, massive weather systems, cyclones, and droughts.

What is the future of our planet? What is our basic ethics towards it? How can we save living species from natural disasters?

“There is a need to replenish the ecosystem and make it a better place to live sustainably.”

Society 2045 has an ongoing series of interviews with change-makers seeking to improve the way society works.

Society 2045 is a community of people from around the world seeking to co-discover a vision for the year 2045. The goal is to connect with leaders of emerging communities and movements across society and come together to co-create a better future.

In an interview with Mark Roest, of Sustainable Energy Inc, we discussed his vision of 2045 for enabling the world to achieve energy sustainably. He did a conceptual design of environmental economics and Landis planning knowledge base for designing sustainable economies. He also did a comprehensive design lecture course by Buckminster Fuller.

The Vision

Mark wants to help make a prosperous place for people to live in harmony and revolutionary relationships. His company’s mission is to end the use of fossil fuels by 2030 providing technical and financial support to global sustainable economic designs.

His company aims to provide energy-transportation movements to fine-tune the economic relationships with nature. Also, utilizing the government’s surplus energy storage whenever renewable energy resources fall short to meet the needs.

Benefits: Manifesting Technology

Mark said we need to give up on lithium-ion and gallium arsenide batteries. These are toxic materials that are eating our earth. They have instead come up with a solar photovoltaic design that will give us 48% efficiency. This is twice as efficient as utility or rooftop solar panels and takes half of the space. The technology will make our earth clean and free from the negative impact caused by the mining processes of lithium.

The Why

We need to do our part to save the world from hazardous things. We all need a world where all species live together in harmony. We don’t want a toxic cover over us. The growing needs of the developing population can only be fulfilled by going for alternative energy resources.

If we can accomplish this plan, we can fully displace fossil fuels by 2030. His company is working on it and making 150 million kWh of battery capacity per year per factory. There are many technical complexities in this, but he is hopeful of achieving the goal.


Today 1.2 billion people don’t have access to electricity. We can make electricity efficiently, in abundance, and for everybody. We only need to work in the proper direction. If people see the profits and find it reasonable, they will go for it.

“The public tends to run after things that provide them guaranteed income and savings.”


Mark said that Buckminster had a struggling life. He once committed suicide, but later, he had invented the geodesic dome that reflected the atomic structure in nature. He designed a car steered from the rear instead of the front. It was like an aircraft in design as it was made in an aircraft factory. He inspired many scientists and researchers for compelling needs.

According to Mark, we live in a civilization that has a dominating nature. We are in a world where people don’t want to adopt things easily.

“We need to come together and work cooperatively, in order to create sustainable economies.”

Only then can we manifest good thing. For this, we will have to change personally as an individual. Several transitional movements are going on around the globe. The rich can donate their resources to people who are stripped off from using them.

Moving Forward

It is time to drive global movements together. Mark discussed that he mostly had worked with Japanese companies. They have an approach to solving global problems profitably. If the transformation of the earth is profitable, then people will do it.

He believes that if we provide people with phenomenal profits levels and finance them, they can convert away from fossil fuels. We will inform them that they can convert their old car into electric cars.

People must understand that with the use of these sustainable energy resources, we can make more savings and profits.

On a collective level, different companies, groups, and individuals, with the same approach can bring a change to the globe. Personal ideas will join, and we will be able to shape the world towards a better future.

Mark’s vision for a sustainable and economically developed society in 2045 is groundbreaking. It will be amazing if we are able to achieve his vision in the coming years. Check out the interview here: 

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