

Inspirational Streams of Emotionally Aware Leadership

Business Innovation Brief
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Choose Purpose over Passion to Be Happy

Choose Purpose over Passion to Be Happy

I started my professional career on Sept 9th, 1989, at MCI Telecom. I worked the graveyard shift in a network operations center (NOC). I learned everything you can learn about data and was fortunate that during my nine-year tenure to work with luminaries like Vint...

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Freedom-Centric Leadership

Freedom-Centric Leadership

  I was looking to find a way to bring the freedom-centric culture of my previous company, to the public. A group of us started to put together some meetup groups four years ago with the intention to educate companies and people about the value of freedom at...

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The Power of Forgiveness

The Power of Forgiveness

Our priorities frequently become scattered and filled with conflict, as we try to juggle too much at once. I’ve discovered that by choosing a single life’s goal of sharing, or giving or being of service, I become better able to focus my energies and priorities. This...

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The Future of Work Is Purpose Driven

The Future of Work Is Purpose Driven

Customer experience has become a top focus in recent years for most companies. It’s no longer a build it and they will come world. Consumers want memorable experiences. How people relate with the world around them can have significant implications on how a company...

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Eight Ways to Adopt Radical Innovation

Eight Ways to Adopt Radical Innovation

As each of us make progress in our careers and lives we learn all kinds of ways to doing things. We learn to apply best practices and processes that often serve to help us avoid risks and do things right. At the heart of true innovation, however, is the need to...

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Why We Must Learn to Lead with Love

Why We Must Learn to Lead with Love

Love is a verb. It’s an action. A conscious choice. Love is a practice, just as personal care, and meditations, or eating, and learning. As a leader when you practice love for others, you reflect a commitment to practicing love. This commitment starts with the...

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How to and Why Be Genuine as a Leader

How to and Why Be Genuine as a Leader

There is a significant difference between leadership and management. Leaders inspire and work in an upside-down pyramid fashion, while managers are often seeking to be on the top of the pyramid with everyone else beneath. Leaders create and move things forward,...

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Design Thinking Applied to M&A Integration

Design Thinking Applied to M&A Integration

Merging companies is complicated. However, if merging is done right, it might lead to competitive advantages. The reality is that many companies do it wrong, resulting in failure rates as high as 70% or more. The failure rate increases due to insufficient integration...

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Design Thinking Applied to Re-Organizations

Design Thinking Applied to Re-Organizations

Reorganizing a company to solve complex problems, introduce innovation, improve business operations, and identify market opportunities requires design. Design Thinking can be used as a tool to transform or reorganize a company to identify innovative solutions to...

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Improve Customer Success with Design Thinking

Improve Customer Success with Design Thinking

Modern customer success efforts rely on providing unique and positive experiences to customers. As a result, businesses are getting competitive at an ever-increasing rate, trying to offer real value to customers to convince them to stay and plant seeds to come back in...

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Design Thinking Can Help Grow Sales

Design Thinking Can Help Grow Sales

Many businesses, in recent years, have started implementing Design Thinking to achieve more productive and profitable results. Specifically, Design Thinking is the way of using various techniques and tools to come up with innovative solutions centered around solving...

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Authentic Leaders Humbly Serve Others

Authentic Leaders Humbly Serve Others

The most powerful and effective leaders are servant leaders. Servant leaders share power with others and serving the needs of others is their highest priority. These leaders are good listeners who learn from and identify with those around them. They are secure in...

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Emerging Trends in Design Thinking Innovation

Emerging Trends in Design Thinking Innovation

According to Tim Brown, Executive Chair of IDEO, “Design Thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer’s toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success.” Design...

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