The Science of Dreams and How to Interpret Them

by May 24, 2021

A lot of people are curious about dreams and their origin. Most dreams are usually absurd, and open to various interpretation. While many scientists say that dreams occur in correspondence with the last thought that went through our minds when we fell asleep, many others think that it is a game of our subconscious mind.

The interpretation of dreams has become very vague and ambiguous. In a recent Rant & Grow podcast I explored the science of understanding and interpreting dreams with Tyrone Brown, a dream, and mindfulness coach with a background in yoga, meditation, energy healing, and Shamanism.

The Significance of Dreams

Tyrone Brown relates his journey through which he found out the kind of significance that dreams hold. He was 14 years of age when he started interpreting dreams. Before that, he thought of them to be coincidences or weird stories that your mind played on you while you were asleep.

These stories, at that time, held no significance and were discarded. However, when Tyrone started analysing how his dreams affected his thinking and how they emerged, he found how the interpretation of those dreams could help him in life.

He started figuring out the gaps in his life and began finding solutions that helped him fill them. Tyrone Brown says: “I realized that there’s so much more to [dreams], and I realized that from an early age, I was getting guidance. That’s the guidance that I’ve followed through my life which has helped my life in many ways.”

Why Dreams are Evasive

Dreams are highly transient, and the memory of the dreams we have soon fade away after we wake up. Even when we have a clear memory of the dream in our heads when we wake up, most people find it very hard to describe them as they saw then. Hence, most dreams are lost when we wake up, and we have no memory of them whatsoever.

The reason dreams are so mysterious is that it is tough to remember them. Tyrone Brown suggests that a sure-fire way of remembering your dreams is to start journaling them as soon as you wake up.

Making a dedicated dream journal will give your subconscious mind a trigger that will help you remember your dream for a longer time. Once people start maintaining and using dream journals regularly, they can interpret the meaning of their dreams faster and better.

Dreams Represent your Predominant Thoughts

Do you often feel like you have the same dream repeatedly? When you notice your dreams every day, do you notice a pattern in which you experience them? Is there a central theme to the sort of dreams that you, see?

Tyrone Brown says that when people start noticing that they have a theme to their dreams, those themes are related to thoughts that run through the person’s mind all day long. 

When a person thinks about something repeatedly, and that thought shows up in the person’s dreams, that is something that the subconscious is deeply engaged with. This theme might be a problem, things that make you anxious, or the things you must take care of.

Reversing Dreams

Once you identify this theme, you can use dreams like a meditative state to go in and out of them to work on the things holding you back in your life. 

The intention is, you can go back into your dream through visualization and do work in your dream with a newfound awareness, and that can resolve an issue in your waking life because. At that point, you’re in the subconscious. 

Dreams are untapped resources for healing and transformational tools that we all have access to every night.

“Dreams are like a cheat sheet towards finding insights and inspiration around things that you want to create in your life.”

Interpreting Dreams

Interpreting dreams can be simple, but there is a bit of a learning curve because it’s a self-empowered approach to Interpretation. versus looking up the meaning of them online or in a book.

It is essential to have inner inquiry rather than looking outside for answers. Because once you develop that, you start trusting your ability to understand dreams yourself. 

It empowers you with a tool for life to interpret custom messages that you are receiving. It also strengthens your intuition and your confidence which carries over into your day-to-day life.

Dreams that occur to you are usually indicative of some turmoil that you are facing in your life. When the body enters the deep sleep stage, the subconscious becomes active. 

It is here that your subconscious takes over the mind and shows you visuals of the things or thoughts that are deeply embedded in it. When this happens, patterns start to emerge, usually indicating that something on those lines has made a lasting impact on your subconscious.

The interpretation of those dreams is highly subjective and open to a lot of reflection, but with some practice you can begin to make translating dreams scientific and predictable.

Listening to this week’s Rant and Grow podcast with Tyron Brown, will open your eyes on how the science of dreams and how to interpret them.

Tyrone Brown is a dream-time and mindfulness coach, and the creator of “The Activated Dreamer Masterclass”. His background is in energy medicine, mindfulness, yoga, meditation, and shamanism. 

He teaches students around the world to use their dreams as a transformational tool to step into their true potential. In this episode we explore the science behind dreams and how to interpret them.

Just click on the play button to listen to the podcast right here.

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