How to Develop and Maintain a Positive Attitude

by Apr 26, 2021

Business Innovation Brief Best Article

We read despairing worldwide headlines on an almost hourly basis. We’ve heard of livelihoods and lives being lost and being stuck at home for over a year. There is a general dread of the most horrifying virus that through mutations may never come to an end.

It is reasonable to assume that our physical, emotional, and mental health has taken a massive toll recently. Given this context, the idea of ‘positive thinking’ is hard to sustain.

On the recent Rant and Grow podcast, I discussed the importance of having a positive attitude even in times of severe crises with Ryan Lowe, on the 10th anniversary of his book “Get Off Your Attitude”.

Ryan shared his mantra for staying positive even in disappointing times.

“Anytime I thought negative, acted negative or spoke negatively I said to myself ‘Ryan just get off your attitude. Keep moving forward. It became my slogan and it went on to become my message. ~ Ryan Lowe

It’s All about the Mindset

We play multiple roles in our lifetime. We are all bound to feel overwhelmed at times. The fear, bitterness, and stress of these roles can get a hold of us in the most destructive ways.

However, the influence of a positive outlook towards life can never go in vain at any given point. We all have in ourselves the ability to rise above our troubles and turn pain into power.

“Either we become a victim or become the victor, this is the truth no matter what our circumstances are.”

When we face losses and disappointments, we become negative and pessimistic, frustrated, anxious, and angry at the world and ourselves. It’s easy to lose hope on days when everything in our surroundings is quite literally in shambles.

It is essential to have a resilient mindset in such situations. Accepting that it will be intense and to realize that it will be a battle. It’s dread, tension, and pressure we can’t flee from. What is in our control is to acknowledge this and figure out how to react in the most pragmatic way.

That’s the thing. You must sit down for a moment and just really have faith that you can go through whatever life throws at you. You must develop a very strong mind to do so.

It doesn’t matter what we think, or we feel about a person or thing, it comes down to being helpful. It comes down to being focused and devoted and mindful about the decisions that we take and the daily routine that we are attempting to experience.

There are pay checks associated with the mindset we maintain. Having a victim mindset doesn’t do any good to either an individual or those who are dependent on them. Those with victim consciousness constantly blame others and aren’t willing to take up the responsibility of bettering their lives. Blaming is a cowardly way to dismiss being accountable to our own feelings and mastering our ego.

Stop Being A Victim

When an entire population gets affected by victim mindset thinking, circumstances are bad, there’s nothing we can do to change it and we fall prey to all its negativity. We’ve lived in this kind of reality since the pandemic began.

Ryan considers it to be extremely lucky that he had the motivation to get up and dare to write about his experiences and help millions of others like him. From a professional standpoint, he suggests everyone take steps slowly but surely.

“One day, at a time, we can accomplish any goal we set for ourselves. Tell yourself, ‘today, I will do one small task that will contribute toward the achievement of a life goal’. I will share that with everyone because we want to get out of that victim mindset.” ~ Ryan Lowe

It becomes imperative to escape the victim mentality. Even though it will require some investment and take time. When we find ourselves achieving something positive every day, our thought process and attitude change for the good. Our words reflect the positivity of our mind and we find ourselves hauling out of that victim attitude.

“We’re like computers who have stored a lot of junk over the years”, says Ryan. People may have faulty wiring in their beliefs that don’t allow them to consciously move towards a more positive mindset. Most of the faulty wiring is related to self-deprecating talk.

The way we talk about ourselves and to ourselves plays a role more important than what most people give it credit for. Negative self-talk stems from what you consider ‘failed’ attempts at something in your life, be it a familial or work problem.

“We have somehow programmed ourselves over the years to tell ourselves that we can’t go do something and therefore we act fully demotivated.”

What’s ironically worse is that this practice of self-deprecation has become so normalized. From our childhood, we think it’s normal for us to say that we can’t do something. What is considered humility by most is one of the biggest barriers that keep people from having a positive, hopeful, and constructive outlook towards life.

“Positive self-talk can change your mindset, change your direction, change your way of life. You start thinking about goals, instead of obstacles.”

Anytime we face a challenge or a setback or something like that, we get to figure out how we need to grow. The challenges that we face in life must be looked at through the lens of a learning experience and dealt with optimistically.

“When we shift our attitude by focusing on solutions rather than problems, real change starts to manifest itself in us and society.”

In my recent Rant & Grow podcast, I spend some time has Ryan Lowe as a guest. Ryan is a professional motivational keynote speaker, corporate trainer, executive coach, and the author of the book “Get off Your Attitude.” Fun fact, Ryan was featured in the movie, “The Big Short.” In this episode we explored how to develop and maintain a positive attitude.

Just click on the play button to listen to the podcast right here.

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