How to Achieve What Seems Impossible

by May 31, 2021

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There are people who strive to achieve what other may consider impossible. This might be with reference to their personal lives or their professional lives. Nevertheless, they want to achieve something that they have never done before. Furthermore, they thrive at the idea of achieving what others may have never been able to do.

It is daunting to think about doing something that seems to be impossible when no one else has done it yet. However, in the latest episode of Rant and Grow with guest Kimberly Wiefling, you’ll discover how to make achieving the impossible relatively easy.

Control the Narrative

Lots of people believe that they are not in control of what happens in their own life. They are always influenced by a boss, a co-worker, their family, or their financial commitments and get the feeling that they are living their life for someone else.

“You are always in control of your life.”

What you need to remember is that there might be some things that are outside of your control, such as some traits and limitations that you may have been born with, but there are other things that you completely control.

For example, you are always in complete control of your actions.

You must constantly ask yourself if you are taking steps towards achieving your dreams. If you are doing so, you are on the right track to achieve truly impossible things relatively easy.

There’s a whole bunch of things that are outside of your control. There’s the body you were born with. There’s the intelligence that you have access to. There’s your life history, your family history. 

If you focus on the things you can’t control, you are screwed. Always ask yourself: What do I control? What am I contributing to this? There’s always some way.

Face It Head On

Make a list of the things that are stopping you from getting you to your desired destination. When you list down your biggest hurdles, you will discover that most of those things are not even existent in real life. 

When you start to go about solving them, you will discover that most of the hurdles that you thought were impossible to get through are in fact, just made up in your mind.

“Most of the things stopping us from achieving our dreams have nothing to do with things like gravity, it’s all made up in our head. It’s narratives we sell to ourselves.”

Jump In

Imagination is one of the most powerful tools available to humankind. To achieve the impossible, you must make sure that you are able to envision your goal vividly and lucidly.

When you are able to do that, you will feel all your senses and emotions get fired up, making you feel exactly how you would feel when you finally achieve the impossible.

Hence, when you give yourself the liberty and permission to dream and imagine the things that you would like to achieve, your mind becomes ready for it even though the task might seem impossible in the beginning.

Some people also aid that imagination with positive self-talk or positive affirmations that make them more confident about themselves and their abilities.

“Positive self-talk has been shown to boost confidence in ways that are incomprehensible.”

Positive self-talk is a tool used by professionals around the world to achieve the impossible every single day.

You jump into the future. You create a clear image. You imagine in high definition. You ask yourself: What exactly would it look like? What would it taste like, smell like and sound like at my end goal?

You need to hallucinate your future, but you don’t do this alone. Barbara Sher said many years ago, isolation is the dream killer. Work with people who believe in you. Find a coach, a mentor, a support group. 

“Create your tribe of believers who want to imagine and manifest the impossible with you.”

In conclusion, when you want to achieve things that seem impossible in the beginning, just follow the simple steps in this blog and ensure that you change your mindset first, from thinking things are impossible to believing in “I am Possible”.

Listening to this week’s Rant and Grow podcast with Kimberly Wiefling, will help you sharpen the skills needed to achieve what you may think impossible today.

Kimberly is the founder of Wiefling Consulting a Silicon Valley-based global consultancy. A physicist by education, Kimberly enables managers to become leaders and groups of people to become a true team.

Her book, Scrappy Project Management, has gotten her invited to speak to audiences globally. She works globally with valued colleagues at Silicon Valley Alliances.

In this episode of Rant & Grow we talk about how to have extraordinary breakthroughs in leadership and business success. Just click on the play button to listen to the podcast right here.

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